Chapter 5

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When Benny woke he was in a dark medium sized room with a desk in front of him. He was tied to a chair and noticed the door in front of him opening. Suddenly a person emerged from the entrance and Benny began to panic. "What's happening? Who are you?" "All will be explained, no need to be hostile."

The stranger was tall and shady with a cloak similar to the other person Benny saw. They had long brown hair with what seemed to be fog where their legs would be.

They sat opposite to Benny. Another stranger emerged from the doorway, the one Benny had seen enter his apartment. "You're probably wondering why you're here... we're here to explain what must happen." The brown haired stranger said. They could see how scared Benny was. "I'll make it short, you need to be disposed of."

"WHAT? What do you mean "disposed of"??? How am I supposed to be calm? Are you gonna kill me?" Benny yelled. "I'm afraid we will, you see, you're glitching. Our job is to cleanse the earth of glitches. People like you are dangerous."

"NO! I did nothing wrong! Please let me go, I promise I won't hurt anyone!" Benny pleaded. "Why should we believe you? It's glitches like you who take body parts and lives from innocent people. The only way to save the population is to remove your kind!"

"What do you mean dangerous?" Benny said. The scrabble face man scoffed. The stranger with the brown hair looked sternly at the scrabble face man and he shut up. "They take peoples body parts! How do you think this happened?!" The brown haired person pushed aside their cloak and Benny looked at what he saw before when they entered the room. It was so much worse now that he was up close.

Benny fought back a scream that was erupting from his throat. This person's legs were not only non-existent but they looked as if they were torn off. They looked as if they were dripping blood everywhere this person went. But there were no blood trails. Benny wanted to take a closer look even though these legs were quite the horror show to look at, but the person shoved their cloak back over their body before he could look closer.

"I feel as if this was started off on the wrong hand." The person with the brown hair stated smoothly, "So!" They clapped their hands importantly. "Let's get a first name basis, shall we?"

Benny hesitated. Should he really do this? It seems wrong...

Why was he even here.

"My name is Benny." He said finally "I live in the apartment your friend took me from by myself. ...what about you?"

The two assassins looked at each other and then nodded. "Well it causes no harm to know these things. You may call me Lian." The person with the hat and the brown hair said. "And this, is Vikus."

"Vikus and Lian." Benny thought. He takes notes about new people subconsciously everywhere he goes. This time it really counts though. "Lian clearly hates glitches. That much is obvious." He thinks, looking again towards his cloak."But Vikus definitely has a deeper more hidden hatred for glitches. I wonder why."

Vikus turns towards Benny. "So, Benny," he says with a tone of hostile disgust. "Tell us, everything, that you know...

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