Chapter 9

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No ones POV

Willow had a surprised look on her face, like she had seen a ghost. "Burn it? This place is my least favourite place on the Earth. I would gladly join you, but there are people here." Willow complained. Benny turned and peered through the vents. It was very very dark so he couldn't see much. But Willow had a feeling that he has a psychotic look in his face and she had a sense of displeasure while thinking this. Benny was saying that they should leave everyone here. "Well..that's too bad, I guess we'll never getting out of here" Benny declared. Willow felt a shock through her spine, like somebody tased her. She hated being here, and would plead to get out of here as soon as possible. No matter, leaving and burning all those innocent people never crossed her mind. "Just by the sound of you, you would want to get out of here." Benny tempted.

"Plus, we both don't want our close ones to be in their hands." Benny added. Willow closed her eyes and put her fingers to her temples. They both were silent for a solid 2 minutes. Willow let out a breath she didn't know was holding. While Benny was attempting to see how far the vent went again when his arm got stuck into a little slit in the ventilation.
"aUGH, oh SHIT." Benny screamed. Benny's arm started to rip skin and bleed heavily. He covered his mouth to bare the pain he is experiencing. Unfortunately, Willow did not notice this at all, she was too busy in her head. Soon blood was dripping from the vents, Benny took his arm out with a shock sting from his blood circulation. He almost cried. He won't be able to use it anytime soon. Benny breathed heavily, making Willow paranoid. "I assume that's a yes." Benny whispered. Willow had a chill down her spine, "Y-yes, we are going to have to b-burn it." Willow stuttered. Benny's face was filled up with glee, though he was dealing with excruciating pain from his arm. He could tell she had a hatred that ran miles deep for the assassins, but she was worried about the people that were here as well.

Benny looked around to see if anyone was here and went into his jacket pocket, there were pockets inside his jacket to store more stuff. Like matches. Benny took out the match with a smiling face. There was only one left, but that one match could make a big difference in this place. "Now all we gotta find is gasoline!" Benny exclaimed happily. "Wait," Willow said. "We have to have a plan." "Yes?" Benny said impatiently. "Give it time. Even though it's terrible here and I don't want you to endure the torture that they give us here but have to plan this smartly." Her voice echoed through the vents. "I will tell all of the people here that we are planning to breakout soon. They will prepare and possibly help us as well." Benny thought about this for a moment. "And while I'm doing that," Willow continued. "you can find the gasoline." "Fine. That sounds reasonable." Benny said. "But even if we get the gasoline before you have the time to warn everyone, they're burning down with this place."

Willow felt more sick then she had ever before in the torture rooms. She walked away from the vents and lay on the creaky and uncomfortable bed that she had cried herself to sleep countless nights. But soon she could be free. Soon, they could be free.

(Sorry for the short chapter again!)

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