Seonghwa ~Paranoia~

Start from the beginning

"Same to you. Don't wait too late for Hongjoong Hyung," he replied. I nodded before leaving and going back to my room. The boys are all fine, that's good, but what about Hongjoong? I know the chances of him being hurt are slim to none but there's still a slight possibility something could happen to him. I mean he should be fine right? Right? I ran my fingers through my hair and paced anxiously. I just couldn't get those pictures out of my head. They're fake, I know that. I was there for pretty much all of them but they still look so real. My hands started to shake for some reason so I quickly sat down on Hongjoong's bed and placed my hands in my lap, just waiting for him to return.


I must've have lost track of time because it felt like only seconds later that the door opened. I shot up quickly, looking over Hongjoong hurriedly to check for any injuries. He paused and raised an eyebrow before closing the door and shrugging off his jacket.

"What's wrong," he asked me. I just shook my head, rushed over and hugged him tightly, relieved that he was perfectly fine. I could tell he was probably confused but he still hugged me back. I stayed holding him for a few more seconds before stepping back.

"Did it go well? Everything ok," I asked him, trying to act nonchalant.

"Yeah it was great, I got through a lot," he said grin. I nodded and sat back down on the bed as he started getting ready for bed. I watched him carefully as he did his night routine, making extra sure there was nothing wrong, just in case. Once he finished getting dressed and removing his make up, he turned back to me and once again raised an eyebrow.

"You sure you're alright," he asked me slowly. Yeah, I realise it was probably weird me watching him like that.

"I'm fine," I said quickly but I know Hongjoong is able to see right through me.

"I'm fine Joong," I said rolling my eyes. I could tell he was still sceptical but he let it go. I stood up and went to my bed, laying down and closing my eyes. See, everything is fine.


"Hey Hyung, how deep do you think this river is," Jongho asked. River? I looked to where he was pointing and saw that sure enough, there was a river that was raging right beside us. That looks quite dangerous.

"Probably very deep," I replied carefully.

"It looks cool," he said, stepping closer to the edge. The very unstable looking edge.

"Jjongie get away from there, it's dangerous," I yelled out quickly.

"It's fine Hyung, nothing's going to happe-HYUNG." I yelled out as the rocks gave away and Jongho went plunging down into the river.

"Jongho! Jongho!" I ran to the edge, trying not to get too close to it so I wouldn't fall in but I still needed to try and see if I could see Jongho. I couldn't and I begun to panic even more. Oh god, I can't believe this happened. Please don't let him die. Please. He can't. Not Jongho. Not the Maknae. I noticed a path that lead down to the river. I rushed to it and ran down to the riverside, searching and searching until my eyes landed on a distinctly human shaped form beached a little further down the river. My breath caught in my throat and I ran quickly, as fast as my legs could take me. As I got closer, I immediately knew it was Jongho and I knew it wasn't looking to good. He was laying face down and I quickly dropped to my knees as I got to him. I flipped him over and my heart stopped. His lips were blue, his face pale and his eyes were closed. I looked at his chest and it wasn't rising or falling so I checked his pulse but there was nothing. Oh my god, he's dead. My baby is dead. H-How? My mind went numb and the only words I could hear in my mind were that he's gone and he's never coming back. Ever.

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