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It'll be okay- Shawn Mendes

"Oh my god, you look- intoxicated" Anne stated seeing her son. Harry nodding letting her enter. She moved her hands to cup his cheeks as she asked,"Are you okay?". Arry slowly shaked his head as he sobbed out,"I-I just, need a break mum".

Anne nodded as they walked inside. Darcy was upstairs in her room but she was still upset. Harry had called Anne earlier knowing he wouldn't be able to take care of his daughter. "Grannie" Darcy squeaked seeing Anne. She jumped down the bed and wrapped her tiny arms around her.

Anne giggled and picked her up as she asked,"How is my little doll doing?". "I'm fine grannie" Darcy replied wrapping her arms around her neck. Anne giggled placing a kiss on her cheek, she turned towards Harry and gave him a small nod.

He walked towards the bathroom and locked the door. After stripping down, he decided to take a bath. A long one, after Darcy, the only place where he'd get the peace was the bathroom. Which was the reason why he got a place with a huge bathroom.

After setting himself a nice bath, he sprayed his favorite room fresher and sat in. A very soft piano tone playing on the speaker as he closed his eyes laying back with a sigh.

His mind drifted to when he found out about Darcy.

December 2016

"Please Nii. I need you here" Harry pleaded on his phone. "I'm on my way Haz. Are you sure?" Niall asked in return. He didn't reply but sobbed into his hand. It had been a month since Louis had disappointed. Without him, Harry was a mess. He had forgotten how to live somehow. His 'home' was trashed. Stuff was on the floor including the vase he had broken.

The vase, it was the vase that Louis had gifted Harry on his seventeenth birthday. It was one Louis had gotten from his first movie. Harry adored it. He'd always replace the old flowers with new ones.

"I'm here" Niall announced entering the house, more like a store room. "God what have you done of yourself" Niall mummered a he saw Harry laying on the floor with continuous sobs leaving his lips. He immediately bent down and picked him up. "Come on Haz. For me?" Niall asked.

"Are you sure Haz? Should we go to the doctor?" Niall asked. Harry shaked his head as he replied,"I-I am sure Niall. F-Five tests came p-positive". He immediately wrapped his arms around him as he sobbed,"How am I gonna be a good father? I'm just nineteen".

End of flashback

"Papa" Harry was pulled out of his thoughts when Darcy banged on his door. "Yes love?" Harry asked with which she replied,"Can me and grannie go the park?". "Sure love" Harry replied with a smile. He shaked his head with small giggles when he heard Darcy jumping with excitement.

After, he was done with his bath, he reached for his phone and tweeted.

It's nice to have a silent morning
19 July, 2020, Tuesday, 10:15 a.m.


"I just don't know Zee" Louis stated with frustration. "Lou come on we all know you don't actually love her" Zayn stated. He knew what Eleanor did and was furious about it. He himself was a protective parent, he didn't even wanted to think what Harry might've gone through.

"What am I supposed to do? If I pick Harry, I'll lose Eleanor and if I chose Eleanor, I'll lose Harry and Darcy" Louis stated with a groan. Zayn shaked his head as he placed his hand on Louis' chest and asked,"What does your heart say?". "That's what fucking confusing is" Louis replied pushing his hand away.

"How about you talk to Jay about it?" Zayn suggested. Louis immediately shaked his head and replied,"I don't wanna tell her that he has moved on and already has a child". Silence. There was silence all around the room. The ice in their drinks had already melted down.

Thankfully, Liam and Bear were at Liam's hometown. Zayn never drank infront of Bear after he was born. Louis had changed drastically after his breakup and in a good way.

Flashback to 2017 February
Louis' POV

"Its his birthday today" I stated. Zayn sighed as he placed his hand on mine and asked,"What do you think he'd have wished for?". "He's always kind Zayn. He'd always say he'd want people to be more nicer towards each other" I replied and which was true. Harry is an angel.

He preaches treat people with kindness. He was the kind of guy who could never hold grudges. He was never the one to give any rude comments.

"How about we visit a dog shelter and donate?" Liam suggested. I looked upto him and saw him standing there with his year old son, Bear. I'd loved kids. Me and Harry would always talk about kids. We both wanted two to three kids. He'd always get all gushy and blushy while talking about kids.

I'm sure he'd make a good father

End of flashback


"Sweetheart" Anne placed her hand on Harry's. He turned his gaze to his mother siting infront of him. They were at a nice fancy restaurant, Anne had suggested. Harry left a sigh as he continued eating the pasta in his plate. Darcy was better now and that was what he wanted.

"Why is it bothering so much when Darcy is better now?" Anne asked in a low tone. "I-I think because of the flashbacks. It was always like this, he'd take her side saying she's right". Harry replied back.

"I still think you know, he may take the right decision this time" Anne confessed. Before Harry could say anything, Anne stated,"He's mature now H. It's been four years". Harry sighed and replied,"That's what I am saying, Its been four years. Why does it still affect me?".

"Papa can I get ice cream?" Darcy asked looking at him. "Yes love you can" Harry replied with a smile. "Lowe you papa" Darcy smiled with her dimples on display. Harry cooed at her and pressed a kiss on her temple.

What'd he do without her?............

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