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Louis was laughing loudly at the couple siting infront of him. "Why LouLou laugh papa?" Darcy asked looking at her father. Harry gave her an apologetic smile as he turned to Louis. "Stop it Lou" Liam scolded looking at him. Louis rolled his eyes as he replied,"Then you could've been careful". "Louis please there are kids around" Harry stated looking at his plate.

Harry didn't wanted to be there. Everyone could see that. He just wanted to be with his daughter alone. One would call him selfish but he didn't wanted Louis to have any hints. He sighed as he turned to his daughter, feeding her. "Otter" Darcy stated looking at Harry. He nodded as he opened her bag and gave her her bottle. "Is she allergic of outside water?" Liam asked looking at him. Harry nodded as he replied,"Yeah. She gets bad tummy". "Bottle otter" Darcy smiled looking at Liam as she showed him her blue bottle.

Liam and Zayn had instantly recognized Harry from far. They all were at a restaurant to feed their kids. Liam could sense that Harry didn't really wanted to be there. He could tell he was just there for his daughter so he was trying to make him feel comfortable.

"Where are we going after dada?" Bear asked turning to Liam. "More games?" Liam asked with a smile. Darcy and Bear jumped with joy on their seats. They both had made a bond already. "Papa, record" Darcy stated as she patted Harry's arm. Harry smiled and nodded as he asked,"Do you mind if I record them?". "Yeah. Eh but for what?" Zayn asked. Harry replied back,"For YouTube". "Oh yeah sure" Zayn replied.

Harry grabbed the camera and started filming as Darcy said,"This is Bear. Me friend". Bear shyly waved at the camera as Darcy moved her hand and tried grabbing the camera. "No, what are you doing?" Harry asked. Darcy pouted and replied,"Want to film you". Harry giggled as he made her hold the camera. It wasn't a big camera because of which Darcy could easily handle it.

"My pretty papa" Darcy stated with a smile. Everyone looked at them in awe. Surely they looked really happy. Zahn turned to Louis, who was glaring at them. There was a small smile on his face. Zayn nudged Liam as he turned to him. Liam left a good sigh as he placed his head on Zayn's shoulder. Bear was busy eating his nuggets so he didn't really budge.


"Daddy we should take the giant wheel" Bear pointed out with a big smile and excitement on his face. Zayn turned to him as he smiled and asked,"Are you sure?". Bear nodded in excitement. He turned to Darcy who was clinging onto her father. She was already tired, Harry had picked her up to let her rest. She had her face buried into Harry's neck. "Harry do you wanna join us on the giant wheel?" Zayn asked. Harry shaked his head as he replied,"I think I'm gonna head home. Darcy's pretty tried".

"Come on Harry. She'll wake up once we're on top" Liam tried convincing him. Harry sighed as he asked,"Can someone ask her?". Louis was pushed by Zayn to quickly volunteer. He furrowed his eyebrows at his friend when Zayn rolled his eyes. Louis walked behind Harry, as he saw Darcy was awake.

A small giggle left her lips as she stated,"Small LouLou". Everyone giggled as Louis asked,"Do you wanna go to the big wheel?". Darcy pouted as she stated,"Only with you and papa". "Darc" Harry was about to say something when Louis cut him off and replied,"Yeah it's okay" with a smile.

They all ended up getting the tickets. Zayn, Liam and Bear in one box and Louis, Harry and Darcy in the other. After they started the ride, Darcy sat up. "Wow" she stated looking at the lights from the carnival. She stood up in excitement and rushed to a corner making both Harry and Louis worry.

In an instant, Louis held her so she won't fall. "Lou wanna see" Darcy pouted. "You can see from here love" Louis stated as he picked her up and placed her on his lap. Darcy excitingly looked at the view from the top. She held Louis' hand as she stood up and turned to Harry,"Papa, look". Harry turned along with Louis and saw that there was a gaint neon heart light.

She turned around with a smile and hugged Harry. He hugged her back as his gaze turned to Louis who was looking at them with a smile. He could feel that Darcy and Louis had actually made a bond already.


"Bye Darcy" Bear stated as he hugged the little girl". Darcy smiled and replied,"Bye Bear". Liam and Harry smiled at each other as Liam confessed,"Thanks Harry. Bear doesn't have many friends here. We just shifted here a month ago". "Its our pleasure. Darcy doesn't likes talking to new people. I'm glad she made friends with him" Harry replied as they both hugged each other. "Daddy can we meet Darcy tomorrow" Bear asked looking at Zayn.

"Yeah. Um, Harry can I get your number?" Zayn asked. Harry smiled and replied,"Sure". After exchanging numbers and hugs, Louis turned towards Darcy giving her a hug. "I will miss you Lou" Darcy stated with sadness in her voice. Everyone awed at her as Harry stated,"You'll meet him tomorrow princess". Darcy smiled brightly making her dimples visible.

She planted a kiss on Louis' cheek and gave him a wave. "Did you get a ride here?" Zayn asked. "No, we came in cab. I'll just call for one" Harry replied. "Why? Louis can drop you off" Liam stated. "No-No its alright" Harry tried speaking but was cut off by Louis,"I can drop you off Harry. It's not safe to travel alone".

After a bit of arguing, Harry agreed. By that point Darcy was asleep in Harry's life. There was silence and it was budging Louis.

"You need to apologize Louis. Think about it as my last wish"

"Harry" Louis called. Harry turned his face towards him with a hmm. "I-I uh um I wanted to talk" Louis stated keeping his glare on the road. Harry took a deep breath as he replied,"How about we talk at my place?". Louis turned to him with confusion on his face as Harry explained,"I don't want Darcy to hear any of it. She doesn't deserve it". Louis nodded as he turned his face.


"Harry" Louis called as they entered his place. Harry had already settled Darcy in his room. They both stood in a distance from each other. "I want to apologize" Louis stated. Harry nodded as he replied,"Figuered". "Everything I said it was all in anger. I'm so sorry for it and I till the day. I-I started taking the anger management classes too like you used to tell me. I just don't want us this way. At least on talking terms. I don't want to see you and all the things flashing back again in our eyes" Louis confessed.

Harry left a sigh as he replied,"Louis, the anger management classes, they are for you not me. And I-I also don't want that seeing that Darcy is comfortable with you. I don't want my daughter to know about my past". "It will never come up infront of her. I'm sure you and your partner" Louis was cut off by Harry,"I'm a single parent". Louis ohhed as he continued,"I'm sorry for assuming. But I'm sure you'd want the best for her. Harry, my mum wanting this. I've been waiting for long to get in contact with you. It was all a coincidence that I got the movie".

Harry nodded as he stated ,"I'm ready to forgive but promise me you won't talk about our past with anyone". Louis shaked his head as he stood there, glaring at the boy. Harry left a sigh as he stated,"We'll meet tomorrow then". Louis nodded as he gave him a small smile and walked out.

"How do I tell you Lou?".......

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