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"So today is my day off. So, I decided to surprise Darcy" Harry spoke into the camera. Harry placed the camera infront as he showed the tray and said,"I made her pancakes and cut them in cute little shapes with maybe syrup in the side and her chocolate shake. Also some fruits and whipped cream along because the little princess is moody". "Rosy is sadly not gonna join us. Shes going to stay with Eva and Sushi because she has been missing Rosy alot" Harry stated.

He set the camera up in his room. He slowly opened the door with Rosy following him along. He sat on the edge of the bed as he pressed a kiss on her cheek and said,"Good morning princess". Darcy mumbled something as she stretched abit but still in sleep. "Little baby, little baby, little baby, time to wakey wake" Harry sang.

"The sun is up and high away you need to wake up. Little baby, little baby, little baby, you need to wake up" Harry sang with a smile. Darcy smiled hearing her father's voice. She slowly opened the eyes and said,"I wove you papa" in a sleepy voice. Harry smiled and replied,"Love you too princess". Darcy got up as she hugged Harry tightly. He smiled as he patted her back and said,"Come on brush your teeth. I've got surprise for you".

Darcy jumped on the bed as she screamed happily,"Supise! Suprise". Harry giggled as he picked her up and walked to the bathroom. He helped her brush her teeth and took her downstairs. "Ohh" Darcy said placing her hand over her mouth. Harry giggled as he asked,"What?". "Papa, your movie" Darcy replied. Harry replied,"I've a holiday today". Darcy giggled and clapped her hands together. Harry placed her on her chair as he made her wear her bib. After that he placed her breakfast infront of her.

Darcy squealed as she said,"Wow papa. So much food". Harry giggled and patted her head as he asked,"Whixh peom?". Darcy placed her finger under her chink as she replied,"Humpty dumpty". Harry nodded as he placed the tab infront of her after playing the video. Darcy did her little bunny hops as she ate her food. Harry started cleaning the living room as he got a message.

When are you coming over?

After getting Darc ready. She's having breakfast



Darc are you ready?" Harry asked from the room. "Papa, I want fower cown" Darcy said entering the room. Harry smiled and nodded. He stood up as he grabbed the matching red flower crown for her. Darcy smiled as he hugged him and said,"Thank you papa". She happily hopped outside while Harry packed her bag. After he was done, Harry called for a cab. He knew they would get late and Darcy would end up falling asleep so it was better to do a cab.

After ten minutes of Darcy jumping around the cab had arrived. Harry helped Rosy and Darcy climb inside and asked the driver to drive to Niall's place. After dropping Rosy off, they both headed to the surprise. "Papa, where we going?" Darcy asked. Harry smiled and replied,"Its a surprise darling". Darcy pouted as she crossed her arms around her chest. Harry giggled and scrunched his nose as he said,"Come on you can't be mad at me".

After a long ride, they finally reached. As they jumped out of the car, Darcy squealed loudly hugging her father. Harry smiled and pulled the camera out. "So the surprise is, the carnival" he moved the camera towards Darcy. "Did you like it? Harry asked. Darcy nodded instantly with a smile as she hugged him and said,"Love you papa". Harry pressed a kiss on her nose and replied,"Love you too baby".

Harry stood up as he held her hand and walked inside while Darcy jumped. Darcy was really excited as she continuously pointed out the rides she wanted to take. Harry didn't deny because he knew she would end up getting tired or scared in half of them. Darcy jumped when she saw the horse ride. She left Harry's hand and rushed there making the young man rush towards her. She stood there in awe as Harry scolded,"Darcy don't you dare leave my hand again. Okay?". "Otay papa, sowey" Darcy replied still looking at the horses. Harry hmmed as he asked,"Which one?". Darcy turned to him and made picky hands. Harry bent down to pick her up as she placed her hand on her lower lip, thinking.

"The red one" Darcy pointed. Harry smiled and nodded as he walked to get the ticket. He paid for it and let her hop on. After a few minutes of waiting, the ride started. Harry giggled looking at her daughter. He recorded for some time while she waved at him everytime she passed. Harry loved watching her smile.

After the ride was over,"Papa, cotton candy" Darcy pointed. Harry took her to the station she pointed at as he stood in the line. It was a busy day and the line had grown bigger. Harry noticed Darcy was quite. He turned to look at her glancing at a family. One parent who was feeding their child while the other wiped their face. Harry felt sadness gush over him. He couldn't give his daughter the love of two parents. Darcy sighed as she turned back not noticing her father looking. She wiped her nose as she turned to Harry and asked,"Papa, how long?". "Uh um just two minutes baby" Harry replied.

When they reached, Darcy said,"I want the blue one". Harry turned to the person before he could ask, the person said,"Sorry sir. We're out of the blue cotton candy". Harry ohhed in response as he turned to seeing Darcy pouting sadly while looking at the ground. Harry sighed as he said,"Baby you can get the pink one. Its tasty too". "Okay" Darcy mumbled.

As they turned around after paying, they heard a child's voice,"You can take mine". Harry turned to see a boy not older than five or six standing with a blue cotton candy in his hand. He stretched his arm and said,"You can take mine. I don't like blue one". Darcy turned around as she looked at Harry. Harry smiled as he said,"Its alright love. You don't have to". "Its okay mister. I heard she wanted the blue one" The boy replied. Harry smiled and nodded as Darcy smiled and held the blue cotton candy. She streched her pink one and said,"Take this". The boy shaked his head making Darcy pout. "Please" she said with a smile. The boy smiled and held the cotton candy.

Harry smiled as he patted her daughter's cheek. "Bear, Bear" He heard a very familiar voice call. The boy rushed towards the man calling. "How many time I've told you not to leave us" He said. Harry turned to see him, as he gasped seeing the same blue eyed man. "LouLou" Darcy gasped as she rushed towards him. A huge smile appeared on his face as he bent down and hugged her. "How are you?" Louis asked with a smile.

"I'm good. Papa" Darcy called turning around. Harry shut his camera as he walked over to him and said,"Hi". "Hey" Louis replied. There was tension in between them and even the kids could see that. "Are you two fighting?" Bear asked. "No" they both replied at the same time. Harry sighed as he held Darcy's hand and said,"It was nice meeting you. Bye. Darc, say bye". "But papa. I want stay" Darcy threw a tantrum. Harry sighed as he turned to Bear who was busy looking at the environment.

"Go ask him" Harry stated as he let his daughter make new friends. Darcy walked over to him as she asked,"Want play?". "Wait. I'm waiting for my parents" Bear replied. Louis stated,"Oh they're at the photobooth". Bear smiled and jumped with joy as he held Darcy's hand and ran towards the booth.

Harry started worried as he said,"Darc, don't run". "Its fine Harry. Zayn and Liam are there" Louis stated. Harry didn't reply but nodded as he followed his daughter. Louis took a deep breath as he also followed him. Harry reached over to them when Darcy and Bear stood outside the booth. "What happened?" He asked looking at the kids. "Dada and daddy are making love"Bear replied making the man choke on his own saliva.

He heard Louis silently laughing behind him as he bent down and asked,"What did you two see?". "They were kissing papa" Darcy replied........

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