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April (a month later)

"Hello Harry" the director said as he saw Harry enter. Harry walked forward with a smile and shaked hands with him. "Well I'm glad you could get in. We're just waiting for your co-actor to arrive" Micheal stated as he signaled Harry to sit on the couch. Harry and Niall settled down as he started looking at the set. It was huge. He could tell that the film had a big budget.

Niall nudged him and said,"Don't screw this up Harry". Harry hmmed in return not saying anything. His glance turned to the director who was arriving them with the co-actor and his assistant. He stood up in shock seeing who his co-actor was. Harry gasped as he turned to Niall. "Niall" Harry called for. Niall turned to him and asked,"What?". Before Harry could say anything, Micheal said,"Harry, this is Louis Tomlinson. Your co-actor". Harry heard a gasp making him turn to him. He slowly eyed him seeing how much he had changed in those four years.

He had abit of stubborn beard which he didn't had earlier. He was still short but abit of muscle. His eyes were still the same, blue pricing right into his skin. He had his peeky blinders. Harry took a deep breath and shaked hands with him.

After four years, Louis hadn't seen a single bit of Harry. He knew he must be still angry at him. What he did was unforgivable. Louis raised his eyes to examine him. He had changed but not alot. He was still a gaint with those beautiful emerald eyes. He had overgrown his hair which were rested on his shoulders. He had his clear skin and pink lips. Louis remembered every single detail of his face and it was exactly the same.

"Ahh Emma is here" Micheal stated. Harry turned to his old friend, Emma. She smiled as she saw him and went ahead to hug him. "Hii" she said as they parted away. "Hey" Harry replied. "So I see you two know each other already. Emma this is Louis Tomlinson" Micheal introduced.

"We should start the discussion" Micheal stated clapping his hands. They nodded as they all sat on the couch. "Well first off congratulations both of you for passing the auditions. This film is based on a book, My Policeman. I'm going to give a short summary. A gay man marrys a woman to prove that he is straight but in reality is obviously gay. After years of marriage, he ends up falling in love with a gay painter, which will be you Harry. So this will be the journey" Micheal explained. Harry and Louis nodded not looking at each other.

"The story line is good but I need the acting better. I know you all are really good actors but I need you all to get comfortable with each other as there will be some steamy scenes in and it's better if you all get comfortable" Micheal stated. Louis sighed and replied,"Its alright. I'm really looking forward for the movie". Harry smiled and replied,"Thank you for the role". Emma smiled and said,"Yeah. No need to worry". "Okay then. You all can explore the sets if you want. We'll get the NDA's ready then you all can have the week off and we'll start the shooting on monday" Micheal stated before heading off to his office. Niall, Louis' assistant and Emma's assistant followed them behind.

"Oh my god. Harry, I'm meeting you after so long" Emma squealed. Harry smiled as he replied,"Yeah. I missed you". "How's Darcy?" Emma asked. Harry replied,"Uh she's good. Growing up". Emma awed and replied,"I can't wait to meet her". "Do you guys wanna see the set?" They were interrupted by Louis asking. Emma replied,"Yeah sure" while Harry only nodded. They all stood up as they started exploring the set. It was a huge one.


"And here's your NDA Louis" Micheal handed out. "Read it carefully and then sign" Micheal stated as he moved outside the room. Harry turned to Niall with an angry expression on his face. He never really got angry but when he got, he would be mean. "Harry, this is a big step. If you want we can extend the signing next week" Niall stated. Harry nodded as he turned to Louis, who had actually already signed his papers. "Harry are you extending the signing?" Emma asked. Harry hesitated but replied,"Uh no. I think I'll sign".

Harry took a final breath before he signed the NDA. The papers that said that he had to film with his ex for the next two months.


One week later

"Baby can you get up" Harry begged. He was already late for shooting and Darcy wasn't getting up. He groaned as he knew he had to take a better method now. He yanked the sheets off her making her cry out loudly. "Get up before I lock you inside" Harry scolded. Darcy sobbed as she said,"Sowry papa". Harry quickly reached over holding her into his arms as he started dressing her. After he was done, while Darcy was still sniffing. He walked downstairs with her in his hands and the other holding Rosy's leash. He quickly walked over to his car. After settling in, he was quick enough to reach Niall's house on time.

He got Darcy out of his car and rushed inside. He threw the keys at Niall as he made Darcy sit on the couch. "The bags here. We'll be back in the evening. Bye" Harry explained to Eva. "Papa I don't want to" Darcy whined holding his shirt. Harry bent down as he wiped her tears and said,"Darling I'll be back in no time. Now be a good girl for Aunt. Okay?". Darcy shaked her head as she tug on his shirt and cried out,"No papa". Harry pressed a kiss on her forehead before quickly getting up and rushing to his car.

He quickly climbed him and told Niall to drive. His heart sank as he saw his little cry seeing him leave. "We'll be back Harry" Niall assured him. Harry nodded as he replied,"I just hate this part. Maybe I'll quit after this". Niall hmmed as he replied,"Darcy is getting older now. She'll understand". "That's the reason I wanna quit. She already doesn't have her other dad in her life. I don't want to be one of those parents who don't care about their kids" Harry explained.

Niall hmmed in response as he continued driving. After dropping Rosy off, they rushed to the sets.

"You're late Harry" Micheal stated. Harry replied,"I know and I'm sorry. It won't happen again". Micheal nodded in response. Harry quickly rushed to the makeup artist as they started getting him ready for the shoot. After half an hour, Harry was ready. He rushed outside as he stood beside. His scene wasn't in yet. He turned around as he felt a hand on his shoulder. "I saw your request and I'm okay with it. I understand that you need to give time to your daughter but this two months I want your full attention" Micheal stated. Harry nodded as he replied,"Thank you so much sir. It's really difficult for me to leave her seeing she hasn't been without me for a long time". "How about you get her here? There are plenty of artist who bring their children on sets" Micheal suggested.

"I'll see for it sir" Harry replied with a smile.


"Harry!" Niall called out. Harry turned around as he asked,"What?". Niall rushed over to him on the set as he asked,"Do you have a minute?". Harry nodded as he sent out the makeup fixer. "What is it?" Harry asked. "Its Darcy. Eva called and she has been crying since you left. Eva can't handle her really. She sounded like she was on the verge of crying" Niall explained. Harry sighed as he replied,"Umm, uh can you get her here?". Niall's eyes widened as he asked,"Are you sure? I mean Louis is here". Harry nodded as he replied,"It hurt me thinking that she's crying. Please get her here".

Niall nodded as he quickly rushed out. "Okay guys. Take a break" Micheal announced. Harry went to his room which apparently he was sharing with Louis. He groaned thinking of how he would've to face him. He went inside as he opened the door and was greeted by the same face.

He walked past him as Louis said,"Harry I". "Please. Keep it yourself. I don't want it" Harry cut him off. "Harry just listen to me once" Louis stated in a low tone. Harry sighed and replied,"Louis, what we had was four years ago. I've moved on. You should too" Harry stated as he walked out. Louis sighed as he sat back. He heard the door open as he turned around and saw a little girl standing there with an elephant stuffed toy in her hand. "Stay here I'll go call your papa" He heard Niall say.

"Hey" he greeted. "Hello" she replied. After a minute of silence, Louis heard sniffles. He turned to see the little girl sobbing standing on the door step. He walked over to her and asked,"What happened?". "I want papa" she replied looking from her big blue doe eyes. "Who is your papa?" Louis asked tilting his head in a baby voice. "Harry Styles?" She replied.

I've moved on. You should too.

Yeah that explains everything......

Hold Me   जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें