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"I'm sorwy miss" Darcy apologized as she held her ball. She didn't knew the lady infront of her but her father always taught her to apologize if she hurt someone even if by accident. "Who the fuck left their child here. Children should be kept out of the sets" Eleanor stated trying to be mean.

"I said I'm sorwy miss" Darcy stated with sadness taking over her face. "You know what you are a bratty girl. You should know how to talk to people" Eleanor scolded looking at the little girl. Darcy furrowed as she replied,"Oi I said sowry".

"Darcy" they both heard a familiar voice calling for her. Darcy instantly turned around as she saw Louis. A bright smile crepped across her face. As she was about to go, Eleanor grabbed her hand and asked,"How do you know him?". "He's LouLou" She replied. She had  pout on her lips because Eleanor wouldn't let her go to Louis. "LouLou" Darcy called as she looked at him with sadness. She hated being scolded or held by strangers.

"Darcy, what are you- Eleanor?" Louis asked in confusion. Eleanor smiled as she left Darcy's arm and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I missed you baby" She stated. Louis didn't hug her back but pulled back as he asked,"Darc where were you? Harry has been looking for you".

Before Louis could ask any further, Darcy wrapped her arms around him. He hugged her back as he asked,"Princess are you okay?". Darcy shaked her head in a 'no' as she started sobbing. Louis immediately picked her up ignoring Eleanor and took her to Harry. Upon reaching he saw that Harry was still busy with shooting.

It would be better to calm her down in private. Louis took her to Harry's room as they entered, he placed her on the couch and asked,"What happened love?". Darcy who now had glossy eyes, stained cheeks and pout. He wiped her tears away as he asked,"What happened? Do you want something? Do you want your bottle?". Darcy shaked her head as she held Louis'  hands with her little ones.

She pulled him up making him sit beside her. She climbed into his lap as she hugged him, resting her face on his chest. Louis smiled lightly thinking about how Harry used to do that too when he would get sad. "I said sowry. But miss scold me". "Who miss?Eleanor?" Louis asked. Darcy nodded without saying a word.

"Why did she scold you love?" Louis asked. Darcy sniffed as she replied,"Hit ball by acc-". She tried correcting it,"Acc-". "Accident?" Louis asked. Darcy nodded as she stated,"I say sowry". Louis sighed as he replied,"I'll talk to her princess. She won't do that again. Anything else love?". Darcy nodded as she replied,"Otter".

Louis stood up with Darcy in his arms and grabbed her bag. He remembered she had allergy from any other kind of water. After giving her the water, she felt better making Louis feel better. He had taken care of Bear before but he was a calm lad. He was never that active as much as Darcy is.

"Darcy" they heard Harry call. He immediately opened the door seeing his door siting on the couch. He left a sigh as he walked over to her. "Where were you baby? You worried papa so much" Harry stated. Upon seeing her father, Darcy's lowered her head. Harry reached over to her as he hugged her tightly. While all of this, she never let go Louis' hand.

"I say sowry but miss scold me" Darcy muttered under her breath. "Who scolded you baby?" Harry asked with worry. He had never scolded Darcy that much to make her cry. He hated seeing her sad. "Miss Elenor" Darcy replied not knowing how to pronounce the name. Harry gasped hearing the name.

Disgust ran past his veins. He hated that woman. Harry was never the one to hate anyone but what she had done to him was irreparable. He immediately turned to Louis with anger in his eyes. He picked Darcy up and grabbed her stuff.

"Harry, listen to me. I'll talk to her. She won't do it again" Louis pleaded. "There's no need Louis. I think she needs to talk to my lawyer" Harry stated and rushed out. Louis left a sigh seeing them leave. The little bit of happiness he felt seeing Darcy trust him enough was something he never knew he needed. Seeing her cry made him feel angry. Something in him told him to stay. He wanted to stay.


"How dare he Niall" Harry sobbed on Niall's shoulder. Harry had never seen Darcy so sad. She hated being scold unnecessarily. "Shh Haz. We'll talk to Louis. He will talk to her" Niall replied rubbing his back. Harry shaked his head with a sniff as he replied,"If he cared so much then why did he leave".

Niall looked at his best friend with sadness in his eyes. He deserved better. Niall had stayed with him from the start. The day they met, the day they fell in love, the day they got married, the day Louis left, the day Harry found out that he was pregnant, the day he gave birth to the angel.

Their faces turn to the telly when they heard Harry's name.

"New movie star, Harry Styles seen rushing out of the My Policeman sets with his little girl. We all know it's not the exciting news but the news is that not soon after that his co-star, Louis Tomlinson was seen with his long term girlfriend Eleanor Calder".

 We all know it's not the exciting news but the news is that not soon after that his co-star, Louis Tomlinson was seen with his long term girlfriend Eleanor Calder"

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They showed pictures of them making Harry turn his face.

"The fans already suspected a new bond between the new co-stars. Fans standing outside the sets pointed out that Tomlinson looked sad exiting the sets while he looked happy in the morning offering everyone cupcakes.

Did something happen between them? Did Louis and Eleanor break up again?"

"Shut this shit" Harry stated. Eva immediately stood up and shut the telly off. "Haz, come on. Let's eat dinner" Niall stood up holding his wrist. He shaked his head and replied,"We should head home. It's getting late". "Darcy is asleep Haz. You can stay the night" Eva stated. He turned to her as he replied,"Can't. Mum is coming over tomorrow".

Eva nodded as she walked over to him, giving him a tight hug. "You both deserve the best". Harry shaked his head as he stood up. He walked over to the other room and gently picked Darcy. He held Rosy's lead and walked towards his car. Rosy was a smart dog. She would always sense when Harry was sad and this time too she sensed it.

Upon reaching, he immediately placed Darcy on the bed and pulled the covers on her. He turned around seeing Rosy looking at him. They both went downstairs as Harry grabbed a bottle of  rum. He never really kept alot of liquor in his house but two bottles for guests.

They both sat beside the fireplace. Rosy sat on the corner cuddling onto the young boy's side as he drank through the bottle. "He always did this" Harry stated like he was talking to her. "He'd always take her side" he gulped another sip. "He said forever and now here I am alone with my daughter. I don't even know if she'll get the love of other patent or not. I wish we could go back to how it started".......

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