"Hey! Get back here-" Kiana said as Alan started to walk away from them. "Sophia, we'll meet you back at the auditorium. See ya!" Kiana said, before chasing after Alan. "Alan! Wait up  stupid!" Kiana yelled at Alan as he suddenly stopped, making her bump into his back. "Did you just call me stupid?" Alan said as he turned around. Kiana smirked and crossed her arms. "Correct." She said confidently. "...hmm what's 46 multiply 14 then? Answer it in 5 seconds." Alan said, after leaning in a bit. "U-Uh-" Kiana hesitated, probably because of the distance between their faces. "5 seconds is up, now who's the dumber one hm?" Alan said, chuckling at the end. "Whatever, not like you can solve it either." Kiana said as she pouted at him.

"Shoot a question at me, I'll try to answer in 5 seconds." Alan said confidently. 'There's no way he'll get it...oh! I know..' Kiana thought to herself. "What's 142 divided by 24?" She asked Alan and it took about two seconds before he replied back. "5.92" Kiana paused for a bit, before doing the calculation in her mind. It took a minute for her to get the answer, and she was shocked to find out that he was correct. "How did-how did you get it so fast?" She asked Alan, who laughed at her. "Not telling! now let's go to the auditorium. I still need to practice a bit for the play." He said while intwining his hand with her's, before pulling her towards the auditorium. They arrived before Alan went to practice the music sheet given to him, so you two waved goodbye to each other.

Sophia appeared after a few moments later and dragged Kiana with her, saying Nicol needs help with something. Of course Kiana followed Sophia but turns out, he just needed help with practicing a few lines. Kiana saw some unconscious people on the ground and asked about them, obviously concerned. Sophia explained to her that she made Nicol stand in front of the entrance, since she wanted more audience, which turned everyone into...that. "Oh by the way! you ended up not participating in the play, just when I thought I could see you on the stage.." Sophia said in a disappointed voice.

"I see. so you're not in it, Kiana.." Nicol said while looking away, also looking sad. "Ah well..I'm sure the audience would like it better if you're the one appearing, Nicol." Kiana replied. "But I cannot act." "I'm sure the audience would love brother, even if they don't consider his lineage. But unfortunately, he can't change his expressions by his own will that much." Nicol and Sophia said, as they hugged each other with sad expression. "I...see. That is true sometimes." Kiana replied with a sigh. "But! if he's with you, I'm sure he'll be able to smile more!" Sophia said with her puppy eyes. 

"But I-" "Oh right! Let's have brother recite the dialogue!" Sophia cut off Kiana and turned around, before coming back with the script. "Okay, here's the script!" Sophia said, handing it to Kiana. 'She really wants to see her brother act huh..' Kiana thought. "Alright, I guess I can help him!" Kiana said as she read the script carefully. After a few minutes, Nicol stepped forward and Kiana turned around. "Let's begin." He said, which Kiana nodded at. They were having direct eye contact, which suddenly made Kiana nervous. He suddenly cupped her right cheek with his left hand and gave her a genuine smile, before saying, "I love you.." which made Kiana's heart beat fasten by 10 times. Kiana screamed internally, before hesitantly replying.

"I-I love you too..Nicol." She said, not really thinking much about her reply, before realizing what she said. Kiana saw Nicol's eyes widening and Sophia's surprised but happy face. 'OH NO! I ACCIDENTALLY SAID NICOL INSTEAD OF PRINCE!! SOMEONE, HELPP' Kiana thought to herself. "M-my apologies..I didn't-" Kiana was cut off by Nicol hugging her. Her eyes widened and the blush on her cheek increased. "Kiana...even though I seem to be  falling behind, I..still do." He said, which she could only react by letting out embarrassed noises. 'Nicol...you're messing up the dialogue too..' She thought to herself, since she didn't fully know his lines. She walked down the streets of the festival as she covered her cheeks with her hands. "Ahhh that was so embarrassing..' She thought to herself, before someone put a hand on her shoulder, which made her snap back to reality. 

She immediately turned around, nearly activating her magic, before seeing Alan. "A-Alan! You scared me, gosh!" She said while hitting his arm. "Ow! relax..just come with me." He said, which Kiana sighed at, before agreeing. They arrived at a large garden of some sort and saw Geordo. They walked up to him while waving at him, which he returned after spotting Kiana and Alan too. "Hey there, how's the festival?" Geordo asked. "It's very fun, I can't wait for the play." Alan also nodded to what Kiana said. "Hey guys!" Another voice appeared from behind as the trio looked backwards. "Sorry for being late!" Catarina said, with a sheepish smile. "You got excited at the stall and forgot the passing time, correct?" Geordo said while shaking his head. Catarina shyly nodded as a reply. "Well, it's all good if you go around together with your classmates like this....but if it was a male, I wouldn't be able to forgive them though." Geordo had a dark aura surrounding him while he said the last part, which Kiana shook her head at. The girls behind Catarina freaked out at this and said they had somewhere to go, before fleeing. 

"Anyways..here's some souvenirs! Pease have a bite!" Catarina said, handing Kiana, Alan and Geordo a small bag each. "Isn't this the sweets that Maria made?Did they sell well by the way?" Kiana asked while taking out one of the sweets and enjoying them. "Yep! It's a huge success!" Catarina replied cheerfully. "That's good to hear." Geordo replied, before a deep voice interrupted the four of them's moment. "Geordo! Alan!" All four of them turned around, seeing two charming men and two beautiful women. "Brother Jeffery!" "Brother Ian?" Geordo and Alan spoke, as Kiana turned back at Geordo. 

"You two have older brothers!?" She whispered to him, which he nodded. "Ohh Isn't this Lady Catarina Claes? It's been a while, and who may you be?" Jeffery said to Catarina, before turning to Kiana. "Ah-I'm-" "She's Kiana Damaris, a close friend of our's, right Alan?" Geordo cut Kiana off, as he placed his hands on her shoulder from behind. The others could see Alan glaring at Geordo and Geordo smirking at Alan, as he didn't move his hands from Kiana's shoulder. "R-right! It has been a while..Lord Jeffery, Lord Ian." Catarina said as she bowed in front of them. While Catarina distracted them and Geordo while greeting them, Alan quickly pulled Kiana closer to his side, which made Geordo's hands drop off her shoulders. Unknown to Alan and Kiana, Jeffery and Selena saw this action, but they didn't say anything.

"It has been a while too, Lady Randall, Lady Berg." Catarina said again. "It has, please, do call me Susanna." One of the women said. "Please call me Selena as well." The other woman said after. "Y-yes!" Catarina replied. "Look, Alan~!Your brother is coming to see you!!" Jeffery suddenly said while attacking Alan in a hug, which made Alan scream. "Stop it! Stop hugging me!!" Alan yelled at Jeffery, as Kiana laughed at the scene in front of her. She heard Catarina talking with Selena and Susanna, but she couldn't hear well on what they were talking, so she dismissed it. "Prince Geordo!" Someone suddenly shouted and ran in. "What is it?" Geordo replied. 

"T-This is bad!!" The same person said again. 

my next life as a villainess, all routes lead to doom x fem!oc [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now