two .ೃ࿐

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Gina had left the house before I was awake this morning. She seemed to do that a lot lately. For the most part, I understood. Her business needed her and she had to seal the deal with a few more branches and companies to get her up and running even better than she was doing before. 

The bed didn't hold much warmth on her side anymore, I'd assumed she left at six in the morning instead of at seven, like she usually does. It was currently seven thirty and my alarm had just shut itself off. 

I sat up with a stretch, the sun glowing through our thin, creamy colored curtains. They were my choice, I had debated heavily with Gina to make sure that I wasn't trapped with her freaky black-out curtains she chose instead. 

Making my way through the kitchen, the smell of coffee was still pungent and when I felt the coffee pot, it was still warm. Grabbing a cup out of the cupboard, I filled it with black coffee and topped it off with a splash of almond milk. I wasn't a fan of breakfast, but I put together a bowl of grapes for good measure, seeing as it bothered Gina when I didn't eat. 

The shop didn't open until ten today and it wasn't me who covered the earlier morning cleaning shift. That was a relief. 

I sat down on the couch and turned on the television, waiting for the weather update for today as I sipped my coffee. I felt something uncomfortable pressing against my backside and when I pulled at it, it had turned out to be a bright red pair of lacy underwear. Quite frankly, I didn't think I'd ever seen Gina wear them before. I shrugged and tossed them aside onto the laundry basket and made myself comfortable again. 

The weather was calling for sunshine all day, but yet again it looked quite cloudy from our balcony window. 

When my coffee was finished, I ran myself a quick shower and washed my face. I threw on a comfortable outfit and shut off the television when I came back out into the living room. It was only eight o'clock now, but I'd figured I'd make it to the gym before my shift at the shop.

Sending Gina a quick text wishing her a good work day, I locked the door and made my way to my car. 

[ ♡ ]

I'd made it to the shop shortly after my shift had started, I didn't realize the gym was going to be so full today. My coworker shot me a hard glare as I made my way to the front counter, it seemed that she always had a stick up her ass. 

"Maybe next time you should arrive ten minutes before your shift and not ten minutes after its already begun." She spat.

I gave her a tight-lipped smile. "Thanks for the advice."

After she left, I flipped the sign to 'Open', and turned on the display cases' lights for others to properly be able to observe and pick out the crystals we had available. 

Customers began to file in, quite a few more people than yesterday had come in. I was expecting a shipment to come in at around noon, for a new book that had been highly requested by people all around the city. I will admit, even I, myself, was looking forward to snagging a copy. 

I noticed that the large amethyst crystal that I loved was missing from the casing and when I checked the register, I was sadly notified that it had been sold. I never bought it because Gina isn't a fan of crystals, I can understand that but only because I love her. Also, it was seventy five dollars and that's a no, according to Gina. 

After letting my mood be slightly dampened by the sad parting of my amethyst and I, I straightened myself out and made sure the shelves were properly set up for the new release coming in soon. As the shop keeper, I made sure things weren't dusty and everything was wiped clean. I noticed that I was pretty much the only person who did this, because apparently cleanliness is not a priority. 

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