fin // Not A Oneshot

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so uh I think this is goodbye 

if I'm gonna be honest (I dropped out of colleg-) 

I kinda left the MCYT fandom a few months ago 

I didn't LEAVE leave the fandom but I'm not as active or anything like that in the fandom any more 

I still keep up with new videos and watch streams from time to time (mainly just ranboo, wilbur, techno and Phil now) and I still keep up with the lore when I can but other than that im not really as interested anymore 

I still love the CCs and the community and friends I made along the way dont get me wrong

if you want to know where my interests have kind of drifted to its Taylor Swift and 5SOS 

unfortunately that does mean this book will be coming to a close 

I didn't quite like the idea of ending this book on a short though so for now this book will be labelled as complete but I'm going to be posting one last oneshot within the next few months that I had mostly written but didnt finish so this book has a bit of a better ending than a short I'm not all that proud of 

I guess this is goodbye then 

thank you for everything MCYT Fandom 

buh bye



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