Surprise Party // Technoblade

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I decided to write a birthday chapter for Techno!

I know it's a few days late but shush sjsjsjs

This is set in the DSMP

There's going to be name you won't recognise from the SMP in this, that's an OC I added for storyline purposes :)


Techno's POV

I'm rudely awakened at 7am by a sunbeam that just happens to be in my perfect eye line

I scrunch my nose up in disgust before throwing my covers off and getting out of bed, or trying to, as my foot gets caught in my blanket and I land face first on my spruce flooring, my foot throbbing in pain

I huff in annoyance at the inconvenience before hobbling over to my desk and sit down on the stool, pulling my first aid kit out of the drawer and placing it down as I rummage through it for my healing solvent and some bandages, casting the box aside as I find them

I carefully lift the injured foot onto my desk and begin rubbing the healing solvent on it, wincing in pain as I do so before wrapping my ankle tightly in the bandages. Once I'm finished I limp over to Phil's cane wall and take one he doesn't use often to help me get around for the time being

"Time for breakfast" I think to myself as I hear my stomach rumble

I slowly make my way over to my furnace and food chest and pull out some eggs and some bread to make boiled eggs and soldiers.

I lay the food out in front of me as I stock the furnace with coal and light it, turning to face my cauldron, filling it with water for the eggs and lighting the fire beneath to bring the water to a boil

I cut some slices of bread before cutting them into strips for the soldiers, placing them in the furnace to cook before turning back towards my now boiling cauldron of water and adding some of the eggs as well as a pinch of salt and pepper to taste

As I'm doing that my timer for the toast soldiers goes off and I pull them out of the furnace and begin buttering them, taking one from the plate to eat while I finish the eggs

5 minutes later my eggs are ready to eat so I place them in wooden egg cups on my toast plate and carry them to the dining table to eat

I crack the egg with the back of a spoon and much to my dismay the egg crumbles

"Dammit I've never burnt these before" I grumble to myself as I scrape the charred remains into the trash and grab my robe from its hook throwing it around myself as I leave the house to get some more eggs from Niki's bakery, leaving a note for Phil to find when he comes back

As I'm making my way through L'manburg I can see people whispering to each other as I pass them and they spot my bandaged foot and cane

"Surely not?! THE Technoblade is injured?"

"He must have gotten it in The Great Battle"

Were among things I heard on my journey

Once I arrive at niki's bakery I find it unusually empty for the time of day

"Hey Niki" my deep monotone voice must have spooked her as she jumped from her spot behind the counter

"O-oh hi techno!" She giggles nervously, clearly concealing something behind her back

"You don't happen to have a carton of eggs do you? I just ran out" I ask, observing the decor of the bakery around me

"Yeah I do! They should be around back" she mutters and she pushes whatever was concealed to the back room, returning with a carton of eggs in her hand

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