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Sorry I've been gone so long :(
I kinda broke my finger so I couldn't write (more info is in the authors notes on my techno book)

Anyway you all saw the title of the chapter so let's get into the competition!

You guys know the cover of this book right? That's a temporary cover and I need a new one so I'm putting it to you my readers as a competiton!

- No smut
- No depictions of MCYTers doing triggering things
- No stealing others' art (I'll be doing reverse image searches if I suspect some art has been stolen)
- must be following me
- any art medium is ok
- any style is ok
- must include at least 7 MCYTers
- DM me here on wattpad with your entries and what name/social media you want me to credit you with if you win
- have fun with it!

the winner of this competition will get to be the cover of this book (with credit) AND they'll get to request and star in a oneshot! (Winner can choose to give a fake name for their oneshot if they would prefer)

They'll also be 2 runners up who will also get to request oneshots!

Request rules:
- no smut
- nothing too unrealistic
- nothing rude about any MCYTers
- if your request involves a minor (Tommy, tubbo, Purpled, ranboo) I won't write anything creepy or gross involving them
- LGBTQ+ OCs are allowed
- any religions are allowed
- no hate towards any communities will be tolerated

the deadline for this competition is March 1st 2021 at 12:00AM GMT (sappy nappy and dadza's birthday)

Have fun!


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