Period // Technoblade

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AN: I'm not feeling too great rn because i'm on my period too and it sucks ass so i thought i'd write to cheer myself up 

this one is half romantic half platonic like its fluffy but there's no "romantic" things except maybe cuddling if that's considered romantic? but there's definite romantic feelings but they aren't acted on in this oneshot 

TRIGGER/CONTENT WARNING // mentions of blood, cramps, periods 

Candy's POV 

I was sleeping peacefully until a sudden sharp pain in my abdomen wakes me up with a jolt. i blink the sleep out of my eyes and check my phone for the time 


"oh for fuck sake" I grumble to myself before feeling something wet roll down my leg 

i jump out of bed in a wide eyed panic and rush to the bathroom and low and behold my pajama bottoms are covered in blood 

"FUCK" I yell louder than intended and slam my fists on the sink 

my loud yelling must have woken techno who was alseep in the room adjacent to mine 

"candy?" he asks, his confused voice laced with sleep 

"uhh" i panic "i'm in the bathroom" 

i hear him padding over to me as he takes in my appearance, including my blood stained pajamas 

"are you-" he points to my pajamas 

"yep" i nod 

"right uhh" he looks around the bathroom "you get yourself cleaned up and i'll be back in a minute" he rushes out of the bathroom 

I decide a shower would be the best place to start and begin running some hot water

as i do this i hear a knock on the bathroom door 

"am i safe to come in?" he asks through the door 

"yeah" i call back and he enters the room with a fresh pair of pajamas in his hands which he places on the radiator by the door before leaving again to let me shower

i jump in the shower and immediately relax when the warm water runs down my tired body 

a few minutes later i jump out of the shower and dry myself off, applying a panty liner to my underwear and changing into the clean pajamas techno gave me before making my way out of the bathroom towards to living room where techno was calling for me 

"what do you wa-" the words catch in my throat as i take in the scene around me 

techno had set up the couch in a fort style with cushions and blankets and fairy lights with two plates of waffles on the floor 

"i knew you'd be feeling kinda garbage so i wanted to cheer you up" he admits sheepishly while handing me a hot water bottle

i wordlessly wrap my arms around him causing him to stiffen in shock before he relaxes and hugs me back 

"you're welcome?" he jokes 

"thank you" i sniffle 

"hey don't cry" he wipes my cheeks with the pad of his thumb "lets go eat breakfast yeah?" 

"ok" i smile as he guides me to the fort and hands me the remote 

"she ra and the princesses of power is already set up on the TV" he smiles "i know it's your favourite" 

my mouth makes an 0 shape 

"I couldn't adore you more if i tried" 

"you mean you couldn't adora me more if you tried" he laughs 

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