Sunshine // Quackity (short)

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A/N: i've decided to start a series of MCYT Shorts like the youtube channels but instead they're short stories! 

the short stories shouldn't exceed 500 words and if they do it wont be by much and there won't be any authors notes at the end as there would be normally unless they're needed

as always any needed trigger/content warnings will be at the top of the chapter so enjoy! 

Layni's POV 

"ok chat one more song" i chuckle while tuning my piano 

i was streaming to take my mind off the fact i haven't seen my boyfriend Alex, Quackity to the fans, since he flew out for twitch con a few weeks prior and I won't until he lands in 4 hours

i would have gone with him but a family emergency kept me at home 

"the person this is dedicated to knows who they are" i smile to the camera knowing that Quackity will be watching from his hotel room 

"you are my sunshine my only sunshine"  i begin singing 

chat are going a million miles a minute but I don't bother checking since i'm focused on my piano and the song 

"you make me happy when skies are grey"  my bedroom door creaks open but my brain has tuned out everything going on around me so I don't notice

"you'll never know dear, how much i love you"  I do a vocal run for the ✨spice✨ "so please don't take my sunshine away" 

chat are cheering for me to keep going so i figure why not and jump into the next verse 

"the other night dear, as i lay sleeping i dreamed i held you in my arms"  i flow into the next line "when i awoke dear, i was mistaken so i hung my head and cried" 

i have a flashback to the first night i was alone after Alex left. i woke up the morning after and it hit me that he was gonna be gone for weeks and i cried for like 2 hours in bed

I go to start the chorus again when another voice begins singing. 

i recognize the voice instantly and freeze 

"you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey"  the voice sings as it makes its way towards me and sits down next to me 

I turn my head and i'm met with Alex's smiling face singing the song straight back to me so i quickly join back in 

"you'll never know dear, how much i love you so please don't take my sunshine away"  we sing together as i bring the song to a close on the piano 

"I missed you" Alex whispers before pecking my lips


(452 words)

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