Part 21: Why?

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Thanks for getting here and reading my story! Have fun and feel free to comment! Also shout out to @Abby_and_Ollie they have an amazing story about Percabeth kids! I just want to say that I love hearing from you guys so I know that other people like my story, or have at least read it and by doing so, you make my day. Love you guys!

Charlie's POV

Betrayed. I've never felt more betrayed. What on earth, sky, underworld, sea, and every living thing in the universe was RJ doing with my sister?

I trusted him. He guarded her. Then he comes and stabs me in the back by dating her!!! 

At the same time though, I was worried. Where was Zoe? But my concern didn't outweigh my anger.

When I had found them together, I was mad. Well, I still am, but hitting the guy a few times and dragging him into the stadium by the wrist made me feel good too. 

And the match was canceled.

People flooded onto the field as a mix of parents and viewers. All angry, all concerned, and that was when I saw my parents.

Holy Hades, they looked mad.


And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, I saw RJ's parents. They were madder than my parents, (if that were possible.) Katie and Travis looked mad for sure.

I left the stadium.

My dad walked behind me. I kept walking, wanting to shake him off, but he was persistent.

Finally, I stopped, and plopped myself on the ground. 

"Charlie, what happened?" Percy said.

"I don't want to talk about it, why do you think I walked all the way over here?" I said.

"Look, you can't be dragging RJ into the stadium, with a bloody nose, looking like someone is dead, and not give an explanation. And where is your sister?" Percy said, his voice fuming.

"I don't know, she left." I responded.

"What happened?" Percy asked, sounding calmer.

So I told him, about walking into the locker room, finding them snogging, yelling, dragging Zoe and RJ out into the stadium, Zoe twisting my arm and running. 

Percy sighed.

"Why does it upset you so much?" Percy said.

"Well, he acted like he was protecting her, then became one of the bad guys and dated her, behind his best friend and her brother's back!!! Of course I'm upset."

"Look, I don't think RJ meant to hurt you, nor did Zoe. Sometimes, people just do stupid things, or get crazy in love, like me and your mom, and forget how our actions affect others. Did RJ get mad at you for hitting him?"

I shook my head. "He thought he deserved it." 

"Well, then he must feel sorry, so you guys can probably still work it out." Percy said.

I nodded.

"What about Zoe?" Percy asked.

Gods of Olympus. She had been upset. "Well, she tried to get me to stop, but I didn't listen, then she got mad and upset and ran away. She probably won't be forgiving me any time soon."

Percy said, "Well, that may be true, but you guys are family, and she probably just needs time to cool off."

I nodded again.

Percy called a cab to take us home, driving back I felt ashamed. What had I done...

We pulled up to the house and Percy tipped the driver. Then, we walked up to the front door of our small brick NYC house, but before we could open it, it flew open. And mom was staring down at us.

"Where is Zoe?!?" She demanded.

Hey guys, sorry that last part was a little dramatic, but it keeps you coming back for more. Love you guys!


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