"hey! I'm not dirty!" time argues back a little flustered.

"ahah. Nope. The dirtiest of crime boys! >:]"

"let's just head to your house. Light steve is already awaiting you there." time changes the topic.

"right...light steve..." I mumble.

"WAIT. HE'S AT MY HOUSE?!" I blurt out as I realize what time just told me.

Time just nods awkwardly.

my house comes into view. 


The guards are still there.

The two front guards notice us and wave.

"Hey guards! Good to see you're in a good mood... ':]" I greet the guards and open the door to my house.


Honestly... I don't think I should be this scared to open a door.

Especially the one to my own house.

Oh well. Better now than never!

Wh-.... actually... I'd rather never do this...





On three! >':)








I open the door quietly.

I peek inside and find the house dead silent.

"well that was anticlimactic-"time suddenly pipes in from behind me.

I jumped at his remark but got my composure back fairly quickly.

I walk inside the house and look around.

"Huh- I thought you said light was gonna be here-"

"I am" a familiar voice speaks up from the kitchen table.

I look to the table and find 8 figures there.

One is...demonio boio! D! :D

Or 'face' as I like to call him :)

I'm happy to see my roommate!

In fact... All the leaders are here...

But then I realize who else is sitting by the table.

"Sabre... Sit down" light orders me calmly.


I was expecting a little more... Loudness-

But he's calm. :)

I like that :]

I sit down opposite from light.

He's got a serious expression.

NOT mad.... Not happy...


He's just kinda numb.

Is.... Is that good????

Light begins to speak.

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