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1:46am- I've concluded that it's easier to do so things without emotions since I don't understand my emotions or how to properly express them. Anger for example; I don't express anger enough but when it do, it's too much and out of my control (I express it when it becomes too much to contain). I've restarted keeping a physical journal too, might help since I don't know a healthy way to express for shit.

I bought several lantern type flashlights to keep in the house since my sister never thinks to prep for emergencies (even if it's just a power outage). I also started work so now (as a full time employee for this company) I only work 4 days in a 7 day week which is great cz I get 3 days off plus $17 each hour I work. Work is pretty easy once I have a flow going and seems to go by pretty quickly. On day 1, I actually finished my route quickly since I didn't have the usual amount of packages (it was a "nursery" route) so I ended up picking up someone else's packages since they were slacking too much (they had 66 stops and only did 17 of them half way through the shift). It was my first time driving a cargo van, it was both stressful and interesting. Also, since I now have money coming in, not only am I able to save up enough for fix up my car but I can also buy stuff again without fear of spending my last penny. My hours are from 11:30am-9:30pm btw

I'm trying to get back into practicing my abilities but it's difficult when you haven't used them in 4 years. Psi-balls, however, seem to be getting better; I can physically feel how tense they get when I focus, it like pushing on a balloon that you're holding. In regards to this war ish, I 50/50 hope it effects america and causes a massive pause in society, I want a reason to use my bugout bag. Also my boyfriend said my energy felt chaotic neutral.


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