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10:51pm- I kinda wonder if the idea of soulmates (like from the stories) is a legitimate thing cz if they are and if we're suppose to find them in our teens, I'm late as ish lol but if when we find the, doesn't matter then even better for me. So I made hot cocoa, grabbed 2 chocolate marshmallow mini donuts, 2 mandarin oranges and I'm watching "the rain". My nephew is sick, he has highs (moments when he feels like himself again) and lows (over exerting himself during his highs thus coughing like he's gonna puke). He started wheezing yesterday and we have no idea what's going on, also my sister made the comment that she thinks he might be autistic though. One thing she noticed was that he doesn't look his nanny in the eye eventhough she's been around for a while but he'll look us in the eye; the nanny also thinks he's behind on speaking (his first language was mandarin, cut him some slack) he's literally been speaking since 4 months old (what my sister told me) just not in English. He's almost 2 and he's bilingual so I'd say he's advanced in speech lol. 

The way my sister even got pregnant with him was some mystical ish that made my therapist speechless and then her labor wasn't even 2 hours long, it was up 1 hour and according to my sister the labor wasn't nearly as painful as it should've been for the first time. Usually first child labor sometimes last 24 hours (maybe more, I don't know) and is always extremely painful (the mother doesn't always survive). My sister really didn't stop to consider that she and her son are possibly non-human. She literally said the lack of pain was disappointing and when I say the labor was fast, I mean she didn't have time to be given any numbing stuff to lessen the pain. Plus his Birthday is just days after the Winter Solstice (he's a Christmas baby). 

Sometimes I wonder if he can sense my wolf essence cz there's times that he prefers me over his own mother (sometimes he won't even accept food unless it comes from me).


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