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1:43am- Yesterday's day was just me spending 7.5 hours taking care of my nephew while my sister was at a work event that took a lot longer than necessary. He was going through something since he didn't poo for 2 days (you can guess what I had to clean up). It was a poo explosion, even got on his onesie so I had to put him in a clean one not just change the diaper.

I established somewhat of a snack stash in my room; apples, oranges, mini marshmallows, little Oreo sticks, organic fruit snacks and veggie sticks

12:53pm- I could whatever my nephew has considering he coughed in my face for a few minutes yesterday so I'm now sitting in front of my space heater with some hot cocoa to help my immune system fight it off naturally. I know he passed it to me cz I woke up with a hurting throat, runny nose and dry eyeballs. A shower helped with the throat aching but only made the runny nose worse cz of the steam making snot loose lol

I'm watching Monte Carlo


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