
18 2 0

12:26am- I don't consider it "tomorrow" until I've woken up from a night's sleep

So I asked one if the main Slavic Gods for help in understanding my biological father a little better and then got a dream of someone calling me "Lady *Greek Goddess name*" and the person was trying to make me do something I didn't want to do. That's all I remember of the dream.

In regards to money, it came to my attention that the $10 check I got from my dad might've been the result of the money subs I'm listening to. My nephew had to see a cardiologist recently, I guess my sister had a feeling he might've had something going on with his heart.

In terms of my ancestry, I asked if the amulet a friend planned to get would be the symbol of a sort-of bridge between me and the money my ancestors wished they had (poverty is a bitch) and the answer I got was a "yes". Basically the amulet will link me to more money than I originally aimed to manifest (I'm cool with it). My short term goal is to become financially stable enough to pay for my therapy sessions to get to a better mental state thus bringing me closer to shifting, long term goal is to be extremely wealthy so I can avoid 9-5 jobs. Last time I had a  9-5 job, it was like my soul was dying.


My supernatural journalNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ