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8:38pm- spent the day helping my sister clean the house since we're having family over on Christmas. Ended up finding her ex-fiancé's survival gear in storage (she said there was more but I didn't see any); so basically I now have a wire saw, a fork-spoon-knife-can opener utensil that resembles a Swiss Army knife, fire starter (a flint stick and striker thing), fish hook+line, special pipe used to blow on a fire from a safe distance so you don't burn your face and a survival bracelet that has paracord, a compass, whistle and a the stick+striker. Oh and he had one of those emergency reflective blankets as well that you can wrap around your body for warmth or use as part of a shelter to reflect heat back at you. Got a free book on hacking too (he was into that as well). I'm so glad my sister kicked him out, he was an alcoholic druggy who broke a lot of her things and made some illegal threats that lead to his departure. She regrets not calling the cops on him (he already had a record). He was so toxic. 

I look forward to seeing what I can do with my new free stuff lol. When I say "I want to live in the wild" I don't mean "I was to put up a tent and bring camping stuff"; no, I mean "I want to look as if I've spent my life out there and survive based on what I know and what I learn". My sister says I won't survive in society? Well guess what, I don't even want to BE in society.


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