Something to talk about

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2:51am- I had a dream that might've been a prediction. So basically, the month was April when a machine that was suppose to be in space came crashing down. It was a controlled crash though so it didn't blow up upon landing, what it did instead was spray a mystery substance into the air. 2 months later, people started getting infected and acting out (like in those zombie shows; ex. The walking dead). Then a coincidence happened, since I can't afford car insurance, my recent bill mentioned that the policy was gonna end in April. I've never had a month mentioned in my doomsday dreams before or a time frame either. 

Also, the guy who wants to date me.. he's not like other guys who wanted to. He's literally in a tug of war like yin-yang. His energy attracts unpleasant entities because of his potential to turn dark but then he also has potential of being the exact opposite of the darkness. Whenever he tries to look within himself to see what he's about, those in the spirit realm knock him back down as if saying "not yet."; even his witch friend is aware of him. Plus his mom knows he sages his room because of the drama he deals with. A friend of his ended up being tormented by an entity too so he told the friend to put a specific symbol on the front side of their bedroom door and ever since then, the entity has been pissed about not being to go in the room anymore. Also,  my guy sees a black wolf with golden eyes whenever he thinks of me in wolf form; I even told him that a black wolf feels right with my core. Then there's the ancient being that's wants to kill his kindness in a more literal sense. In the realm he ended up in (a portion of the spiritual realm), the being told him the barrier between our worlds was gonna come down soon. He then got chills when I mentioned that the community talked about that too previously; now he knows it's really gonna happen at some point in this lifetime and is freaked out about it.


My supernatural journalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora