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Have you ever been so tired so early that you were about to fall sleep at the worst possible time? Around 7:25pm, I was driving home from the mall and I could feel myself dozing off which was terrible. I decided to sing along to my music to keep me awake and it worked. Also I stopped at Home Goods, found what I needed for my closet and when I stepped back outside it felt like I stepped into doomsday; high winds and hard rains. I'm gonna watch more movies. Also, I'm usually never tired as early as 7:30pm so I don't know what caused that.

The power went out around 11:20pm which was bad cz my sister had to them stay up until he power came back to make sure her son was still warm enough (last time they lost power, he nearly froze to death cz our mom wouldn't help; truly shows how terrible our mom is). Also a guy I wanted to date in high school recently told me that he finally grew up enough to realize the exact reasons he rejected me for are the very reasons he likes about me now. Well too bad cz I don't care, he lost his chance. I don't know if soulmates really are a thing but I've been told he's mine, I hope that's not true.

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