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12:32am- asked my Lycan friend how to manage shifting since trying to figure it out gives me anxiety and he said to do a breathing exercise and meditate, the meditation part is gonna be hard though since that is a struggle (btw he's been shifting since his early 20s and he's now in his late 20s). From his experience, the shift is extremely painful but becomes more tolerable the more you do it. His story is a bit different from mine, he went his life thinking he was human and nothing more until one day he triggered his shift some how but then lost memory of his life prior to shifting (aside from the basics I think), he went on for several years believing he was the only "werewolf" to exist until he met me. Then his wolf-ness wanted to mate with me since I was the only female he had met after a while but I said no even after he moved to the other side of the country (less people). He was the first non-therian/otherkin wolf I had met at the time so I was pretty excited when I met him and learned of his wolf genes

8:34pm-I took a nap for a couple hours at the park then I went to the mall to get some multi-purpose tools (what I got was a flashlight hat doubles as a lighter), even got a fleece blanket for my car. It's a pretty light weight blanket so I'll probably bring it with me on my travels the day I gotta leave. While hanging out in the mall parking lot, a sketchy van pulled up. I call it sketchy cz it looked like a cargo van, was dark red of some shade, only had windows in the front and no labels I could see plus they just sat here between me and the mall as if waiting for me to leave my car; luckily I was done with my shopping so I left. Figured it must've just been a coincidence and that if it happens 2 more times then it's no longer a coincidence. Though timing in regards to my therapy session was sketchy, not even a week later. I then went on a long drive before heading back home.

I currently have a headache but I know it's not a sensory overload kind cz my eyes aren't aching as much (they are aching but that was after the headache started)


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