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     It's been four days since Kaiya had watched her brothers and her new found friend get in trouble from their captain. Four days of making fun of him. Four days of getting to re-know Atsumu again.

     Surprisingly enough, she still hadn't talked to Osamu. Through out the two weeks of her and her oldest brother talking again, she still hadn't talked to him. Two whole weeks. She had thought that Atsumu would've told Osamu that they were talking again. Did he even know? Did he not want to talk to her? These thoughts had been plaguing Kaiya's mind for the last few days since Monday when her brothers fought in the hallway.

     You would assume that Suna or Atsumu would've told Osamu about Kaiya, so why had he not reached out yet? Was he mad at her? What was going on?

     These were the reasons why Kaiya had never reached out again, well that was until recently anyways. Just yesterday she had texted Osamu explaining who she was, asking if Suna and Atsumu had told him. Questioning if he was mad at her, if he was okay. But all he did was leave her on read. That's it no text, no phone call. Nothing.

       This worried the teen. She didn't want her brother to hate her. They were siblings. They grew up together. Well, did they? She left. It was her fault. Her fault. Was it though? She didn't know. No. She was just over thinking. Right? Everything was okay. He just needed time. Maybe? Did he? Would they ever talk again? Did he hate her? Maybe, just maybe.

     As these thoughts tormented the teens brain, her phone started to buzz. Lifting her phone up she read the notification.

Miya Atsumu

Accept                       Decline

      Hesitating Kaiya slowly clicked accept, with dread filling her brain she readied herself for what was about to come. FaceTime calls from Atsumu were always interesting. She immediately regretted it, as she was greeted with a loud screech from the phone. "No!" Atsumu screamed. "Get away! My Kai!"

     "She's not a thing Atsumu. he's her own person. Quit being an idiot. Now let me talk to her. Dumbass" He muttered as a loud thud was heard, she was now greeted with Suna's face.

      "Did he just fall onto the floor?" The girl questioned trying to hold in a giggle.

       "Yes!" One voice yelled, as the other voice just gave an emotionless no in reply.
"Don't lie Suna! Yer' being mean. Kaiya tell him to quit bullying me!" Pouted the male on the floor as he crossed his arms.

       "I'm sorry, how old are you again?" Kaiya questioned in slight annoyance. She hated when he did this, he's a child. An actual child. He pouts like one, needs almost constant attention, needs to have daily naps and be fed regularly or else he gets moody. Very moody. "You're an actual child Tsumu." She sighed.

       "Am not!" He yelled in retaliation.

       "Whatever." Suna grumbled while turning the camera back onto his face. "Well anyways, we phoned to tell you that we have a game on Saturday against Itachiyama in Tokyo, you should definitely come. f you can make it of course." Said the boy with a hopeful gleam in his eye. Maybe he could actually meet his new online friend, just maybe.

       It was never easy for Suna to get along well with others. He didn't mean to be blunt or anti-social as his friends would say. That was just how he was, he couldn't help it. It was always hard to meet people who could understand that sometimes he just wanted to be left alone. It's how he coped with what was going on in his life. However, with Kaiya, they just clicked. It was weird. She had an amazing sense of humour. She was blunt. Was passionate about the same sport he was, even if he didn't really show it or vocalize it. She was the same as him. She valued her alone time, but could still be fun and outgoing. She understood him.

       "Hm." Kaiya hesitated not knowing what to do. What if she saw Osamu? Well of course she'd have to see Osamu he's on the team. What if Osamu was angry with her? What would she do? Could she handle it? Thoughts swarmed throughout her mind.

        Suna saw the slight hesitation take over her face. She looked stressed. "Don't stress it. You don't have to come if you have stuff to do." Care and worry laced his voice. She caught this. And gave him a look that said "I'll text you later."

       "I mean I can check I just may be busy. I'm not really sure. I'll try and make it for sure though." Just as she finished her sentence an obnoxious voice yelled from off to the side.

       "Quit hoggin' the phone Suna! I wanna' talk to her too!" Atsumu yelled as he took the phone back from him. "Hi." He said with a cheesy grin on his face. "Are ya gonna' come to the game Saturday?" He asked with hope.

       "I'm going to try that's for sure. I'm not sure if I can make it though." She paused. "I just have a lot going on right now, ya know?"

      Disappointment covered the boys face. "No, no I understand." He paused not knowing what to say. "Uh, just let me know if ya can. Okay?"

      "Yes. I will. I promise." She said as she looked back at the clock noticing the time. It was 1:21, she didn't even notice. She had to go to bed, she had school tomorrow. "Uh, I have to go to bed. I'll talk to you guys later, goodnight."

       Before the boys even had the chance to say goodnight, the girl hung up. Placing her face in her hands, she let out a shaky breath. What was she going to do? What could she do? These thoughts continued to attack mind until she fell asleep. A very needed sleep.

1005 words

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