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    As Kaiya's third period class came to and end, lunch started. As she started walking towards Nishimura's desk, she smiled in greeting. "You ready for lunch, Nishi?" She asks with a slight head tilt.

   "I-uh, Nishi?" She asks shocked. As if she's never had a nickname before.

    "Ya! That's your nickname from now on!" Kaiya grinned.

"I-um, okay!" She said happily. "Ya I'm ready for lunch, let's go." She said softly with a smile.

"We're going to be eating with two others. We're meeting them at my locker." Kaiya replied. "Is that alright with you?"

"Uh...... yes. But are they going to be okay with it?" Nishimura asks, with slight worry.

"I'm sure they'll live" Kaiya laughed. "If not, oh well, they can suck it up." She smiled in reassurance.
They chatted back and forth all the way to Kaiya's locker. Laughing and bonding over silly things like anime, drawing, school, having to deal with siblings, anything that came to mind really.

To students passing by them, they already looked and acted like best friends. To tell you the truth neither of them had the best lives, or had an easy time making friends.


You see Nishimura Sora is and always has been a kind girl. However, throughout elementary and middle school she was always bullied. Not for any particular reason either, but just because she was an easy target. Timid, small, kind.

When she was picked on she didn't stand up to them, she just let them be hoping that they would quit eventually, grow up maybe. She wasn't sure, she just wanted them to finally stop harassing her. But they didn't. In all honesty it just got worse. Instead of just verbally insulting her, things would go missing, mean stuff was written on her locker and posted throughout the school on posters.

She ended up moving to 4 different schools throughout her childhood years. That's not easy, nor anything, any child should go through. But she's always been strong and tries her hardest to be positive and live a good life.


Now for Kaiya her school life was always great. She was popular, pretty, athletic and had amazing grades. The perfect girl, right? But when she went home things weren't very pretty.

Growing up Kaiya lived with her Mother, Father and two older brothers Osamu and Atsumu. Because Kaiya and her brothers were only a year apart in age, they did everything together. One thing they found to enjoy especially, was volleyball. Since Kaiya was so little, being only 7, it didn't really click in her mind as to what really happened at home. All dads' hit their wives, right? Eventually her mother got fed up and took Kaiya, Osamu and Atsumu away from their dad. But, Kaiya was always a daddy's girl so when he came back wanting Kaiya, of course she went willingly.

    It was good in the start, she had a great relationship ship with her dad. But 5 years later when she turned 12 and wanted to see Atsumu and Osamu, things started to get ugly. "Am I not enough for you?!" "Do you not love me either?!" "I don't love you! You're a bastard child!"

She didn't understand where she went wrong. She blamed herself for his behaviour. Eventually she found the twins socials and reached out. They'd talk everyday, that is until she turned 14. It had been two years ago, but Kaiya still remembers that day vividly. That was the first time he hit her, not just a spank, he actually hit her when he found out she'd been texting the twins. She stopped texting and calling them after that, without saying anything. She acted like it never happened, deleting all of her socials like she never talked to them.

Kaiya now tries not to anger him, otherwise he'll hit her. Hurt her. She's scared to come home, be in the same house as him. She always has been since that day.


As the pair finally reached Kaiya's locker, they spotted two tall boys waiting patiently. Kaiya smiled and waved. "Hi boys! I hope you don't mind I invited someone else to join us." She pushed Nishimura forward. "This is Nishimura Sora. She's my desk partner." She looked back towards the small girl. "Nishi, this is Kindaichi and Kunimi."

U-uh, hi." She stuttered, as she hid behind Kaiya again.

"Hello!" Kindaichi smiled. The tiny girl flinched back in fear. As he said it slightly too loud. Kaiya had come to a conclusion in those short two minutes. Kindaichi has almost no volume control, when talking to new people.

A large smack, sounded through out the hallway due to Kunimi hitting the back of Kindaichi's head. As he grunted in pain. Kunimi faced Nishimura and smiled. "I apologize for him." He said as he sent an icy glare Kindaichi's way. "He tends to be obnoxiously loud when meeting new people."

"Uh, it's alright." Nishimura mumbled. "He just, suprised me.... I guess."

"Hm well I can already tell this is going to be the start of a very chaotic friendship!" Kaiya smiled as she started to skip towards the cafeteria. Kunimi smiled and shook his head as he looked down at his phone. Nishimura giggled in amusement of the 5'7, girl skipping down the hall in glee. And Kindaichi was just standing in confusion of what had just progressed. Should he have been offended of being called obnoxiously loud or be happy that Kaiya had called him a friend. Both, maybe?

Basically it was talked about how Nishimura had never really had any friends, because she was always bullied, because she was always an easy target no other reason. And she'd moved to 4 different school throughout elementary and middle school because it just kept getting worse.

As a kid Kaiya had a pretty good home life, that she knew of. She thought it was normal that her dad was abusive. Her and her brothers were always close cause they were only a year apart. They did everything together and loved volleyball. When Kaiya turned 7 her mom took her and her brothers away from her dad. But eventually her dad came back and Kaiya went with him. They had a really good relationship until Kaiya turned 12 and wanted to see her mom and brothers. Her dad got really mad. Eventually Kaiya reached out to her brothers on social media and talked to them everyday. But one day when she was 14 her dad found out and got really mad and hit her. Ever since then she's been scared to go home and be with her dad.

1117 words

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