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Kaiya's job was to gather data about the team throughout the practice and create stats, and or ways to improve the team as a whole or individually. But Kaiya was going to go above and beyond. She had already started creating team stats. And individual pages about personal stats, and how they can improve individually.

She mostly focused on the first and second years, as the seniors are much more experienced then herself. She also filled water bottles and dealt with the medkit. Everything was going good. That was until Oikawa went up to serve during the scrimmage.

Oikawa threw the ball up and jumped, serving the ball. But somehow, it was making its way towards a certain brown haired girl who was sorting the medkit's utilities. "Miya! Watch out!" Kindaich screamed in a state of panic.

Kaiya's head snapped upwards, in time for her to realize what was going on. A ball was headed towards her face. Now unlike any normal human, Kaiya didn't dodge the ball. She received the ball. Perfectly. The ball ricocheted off of her arms went into a high arc in the air, at its climax it started to drop, landing right next to Yabaha. Everyone's eyes were glued to the ball as if it were in slow motion. When the ball bounced off to the court towards where the coaches were standing, everyone's eyes had snapped towards Kaiya. "Uh..... Hi?"

    Everyone just stared at Kaiya, as they were all in a state of shock. "Hem" Coach Irihara cleared his throat breaking the silence. "It would've been nice to know you could play. It would've helped you get a managerial spot on the team." He said.

    Kaiya turned red in embarrassment, of all the faces looking at her. "Uh, well. It's not like I'll be playing." She said softly.

    "I just assumed you somewhat knew how to play and its rules, of course. But now because of this new knowledge, of you knowing how to receive, quite well, might I add. I assume you know the sport very well?" Irihara said in question. 

    "Uh, I guess you could say that." Kaiya said still embarrassed of being called out.

    "Oh don't lie!" Kindaichi yelled. And Kunimi laughed. "Coach! She tried out for the girls team. She was the best by far!" He exaggerated the last word. "She just didn't want to play because, no one on the team was up to her standards of good. And and she didn't think they were going to be dedicated enough, for her to want to be on the team." He explained. The senior middle blocker and a pink haired man laughed.

     Kunimi chimed in. "Don't forget the part where the Captain of the team, said that they weren't going to take her because she has too much attitude!"

    "Oh put a sock in it you two!" Kaiya yelled at them, as she turned to look back at Coach Irihara, who was smiling in amusement. She then continued to explain. "They thought I had too much attitude because I laughed at Oikawa being hit in the head. Then a chick called me out for not calling her senpai, she was saying I was stuck up, because of it."

    "Because of you laughing at Oikawa? Or you not calling her senpai?" Irihara laughed.

    Kaiya shrugged. "A bit of both, I assume." After explaining what had happened, everything went back to how it was.

   Off to the side however, the two coaches were talking about their new found manager candidate. "Do you like her, Mizoguchi?" Irihara asked.

"Hm? Yes. She'll definitely fit in; if we add her to the team." He added. "And it's good that she can stick up for herself, cause' some of the girls in this school are gonna pick on her."

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