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No-one dared, to bring up what had happened at lunch near Kaiya. They all feared what would happen to their faces. The boys volleyball team already knew that Kaiya was a force to be reckoned with, due to her attitude and killer volleyball skills. But what they didn't account for, was that Kaiya could throw a really mean, right-hook.

Kaiya had a look of triumph resting on her face throughout the rest of the day. Even though she got embarrassed in front of the whole school. She just broke a girls nose, and didn't get in trouble for it. Bonus! Grinning while walking through the hallway on her way to her last class, her train of thought was abruptly stopped, her name had been called over the intercom system. "Miya Kaiya please come to the office." Miya Kaiya please come to the office. The sentence echoed in her head.

She shrugged it off. It was bound to happen at some point in time. She was just surprised it happened during last period and not sooner. As she walked through the office doors, she was greeted with a smile from the, oh so familiar secretary she met earlier this week. The lady pointed to the principles door.

"Ah, Miya. So glad you could make it." The principle said with a straight face. "I'm going to get straight to the point. I heard you punched Ms. Abe in the face. Yes?"

"Yes sir I did." Kaiya replied back, mimicking his facial expression.

"Would you care to explain why?" He questioned.

"I mean not really, but sure." Kaiya said, as she settled herself into the chair across his desk. "I just recently became the boys volleyball team manager," she started. A look of recognition flashed across his eyes. He sighed, rubbing a hand down his face. "She's mad about it. So what'd she do? She pours a strawberry milkshake on me, in the middle of the cafeteria. So what'd she get in a return? A swift punch to the face." Kaiya explained. "The milkshake has already stained my uniform." The girl complained.

He sighed once again. "I'm so sorry about that Ms. Miya." He intertwined his fingers, and placed his elbows on the desk. "You see, this tends to happen when the boys team gets a manager. It's the fangirls' doing." He sighed again. "You see. I was told a very different story, to the one you just told." He looked back up at Kaiya. "Apparently you were angry you didn't make the volleyball team, and punched her because she did. But in all honesty, your story makes more sense to me. As I'm sure you can already tell, Ms. Abe is kind of a trouble maker." He paused, as if thinking about something. "Your free to go without any consequences."

A look of shock covered Kaiya's face. "What? Why?" She half yelled. "I literally, broke her nose?!"

"Yes, but this isn't the first time Ms. Abe has done something like this. She's been warned many times about cleaning up her act. She just never does." He explained. "Now out before I change my mind."

Kaiya got up ready to leave, but bowed down in thanks instead. "Thank you sir." She hustled out of the office, throwing him a cheeky smile. She looked down at the time, realizing she was going to be late for practice, she started running down the halls towards the gym.

A loud bang, sounded throughout the gym, as the large doors were thrown open. All heads snapped towards a panting Kaiya. Her hair was all over the place, down by her face, sticking upwards and sideways. Her hands were placed on her knees, as she tried to catch her breath. She stood back up and was about to apologize for her lateness, but was welcomed with yells coming from Maki' and Matsu'.

"There's our girl!" Maki' yelled running over to her. Matsu' not far behind.

"We're so proud of you!" Matsu' fake sobbed. Coach Irihara, and Mizoguchi stood off to the side in utter confusion. Everyone else in the gym was quiet, due to the fear of what would happen, but instead they were shocked with a reply from Kaiya.

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