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Finally the fateful day had come, the Karasuno vs. Aoba Johsai practice game. Kaiya had been buzzing with excitement all day. Even though she wasn't actually playing, she was probably more excited than the rest of the boys who are playing. She had been waiting all week.

Skipping down the hallway she had finally made her way to the gym, just to come face to face with an angry looking Iwaizumi. "Um? Iwaizumi, are you okay? You seem mad." She carefully asked.

    "Hm?" He mumbled annoyed, "we're just missing the two idiots." Was all he said.

    "Which ones exactly?" She asked. "There's too many to keep track of if I'm being honest." Iwaizumi smiled at the girls blunt reply.

    "You're telling me." He murmured with irritation lacing his voice. "Yabaha and Kindaichi. Can you go find them please? Karasuno will be showing up any minute, I don't want them to embarrass the team, or more importantly me. I'm supposed to be in charge here." He groaned rubbing a hand down his face.

     "Of course it was those two." Kaiya rolled her eyes. "I'll find them for you, I'll be right back." Iwaizumi nodded his head in appreciation.

     The tall brunette quickly made her way out of the gym doors to find the two idiots she sadly enough considers to be her friends. Waltzing down the hallways, she groaned in annoyance. She still hadn't forgiven the Kindaichi for being a jerk and ignoring her. She didn't want to forgive him if she was being honest. Real friends stand up for each other when things get hard, not ignore them and walk the other way. Groaning at her inner monologue she finally approached the doors that lead to the out side of the building.

     But as soon as she was about to open the door she heard unfamiliar voice yelling. ".... We'll have your heads." She stood confused but soon realized that she only caught the end of his sentence.

"Come on Tanaka theres no need to talk like that. I mean look what you've done, the hot shots from Aoba Johsai are basically shaking in their shoes." Kaiya laughed at that comment as she swung open the doors and waltzed through towards the boys, just to catch Kindaichi yell.

"You idiots really think we're afraid of you?!" As Kaiya finally stomped over to the arrogant male, she smacked him upside the head.

"Watch it you dumbass, they're guests. Treat them as such." She glared at the male in annoyance. "I'm so sorry you had to deal with that idiot for-" As she tried to finish her sentence she was interrupted by a boy with brown hair and brown eyes who grabbed the collars of the blonde and bald boys' jackets.

"Hey knock it off!" He yelled as he slid around the corner. "I swear I can't take you anywhere! Please excuse them." He forced the baldy to bow in apology, as he did Kaiya giggled. This was the team they were playing? Really? She didn't know what to expect, but this definitely wasn't it.

"It's fine honestly!" She waved her hands around in slight panic as the other teams heads snapped towards her. "If anything this one should be apologizing." She pointed a finger at Kindaichi while glaring.

"I said I was sorry!" He whined towards the shorter girl. She just rolled her eyes.

"Not to me, to them." He just walked away dragging Yabaha with him. "Just so you know," Kaiya yelled, as she turned around to where the boys were walking off. "Iwaizumi isn't very happy with you two! I'd hurry! I wouldn't want to do laps right before the game!" They both started running towards the doors in a furry of panic. She turned to the Karasuno boys shaking her head with a slight smile. "Do you guys need help finding the gym?" She questioned.

"Yes. Thank you that'd be lovely." The brunette smiled. "I'm Karasuno's captain, Sawamura Daichi, but just call me Daich. These three are, Tanaka, Tsukishima, and finally Kageyama." The females face lit up in delight.

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