The Uchiha Duo!

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Naruto found himself running with a water bottle in his hand, he grunted as he finally made it to the front gates of the academy, its the last year, and all Naruto could think was "Finally!" He has to admit he never paid attention in the first place, but he knew all this stuff, he was forced to learn it eventually, his scores were better than last time as well, his tests always come up short though. 

He huffed as he dodged kid after kid, some were chatting, excited, it was hard to believe that some kids were just starting, and in reality hes a Jonin with 2 decades of experience. He didn't really recall his former teachers from the last timeline, he forgot the first one, but the second one was different, he doesn't want to think about why the teacher would be different. 

There was actually another class now, due to the barrier, shattering a few years ago, because of them, he still feels really bad about it. 

Well another class teaching fuinjutsu, he was thrilled about that, though he kept away from the class, mostly because he wants his sealing abilities to be underestimated, it'd be a plus during battle, and it wasn't like Shikamaru was going to go against the decision. He's become lazy in the arguing department, which leads him to be pushed around plenty. 

Of course speaking of Shikamaru... "Well, well, well, it looks like we're actually in the same class this year." He drawled. Naruto's test scores had kept him in the average classes, Shikamaru actually brought his grade down for Naruto and himself to be put in the same class. 

Needless to say many people were disappointed, they hadn't even realized Shikamaru did it on purpose, because why would someone so smart screw himself over like that? Well, his parents weren't really that upset, Shikamaru told them with a shrug and honestly, not even then, they didn't really care. 

They knew what he was up to. 

"Look I tried." Naruto said dramatically as he set his water bottle on the table, Shikamaru picked it up before taking a drink. "I wait patiently for the day this can be whiskey." Naruto snickered. "Well, once we become ninja..." Naruto said honestly. Shikamaru shrugged. 

"My mom would never let me, and if things go the same as before, Asuma won't either." Naruto only shrugged in response. If things went the same for him Kakashi wouldn't care. Which led them to the next question, "You think you're going to replace Sasuke?" Naruto said with a hushed whisper. Sai, who had been drawing silently the entire time, finally looked up. 

"It'd be for the best if I did." Naruto nodded. He already knew he'd miss what they did during the first timeline, but it would be better than some rando he doesn't know. 

Sai narrowed his eyes as Iruka entered the room, he held a stack of papers. Soon after a class followed him. Naruto smirked as he realized he would have been in that line as well. Iruka was always odd in that sense, he would get his class from the playground rather than the students just walking in, not that Naruto complained. 

It usually bought him enough time to not be 'late'.

Iruka gave them an odd look before he sighed. This class held most of the clan heirs and heiresses, Ino, Hinata, Choji, Kiba, he could go on. Though, when he looked around it seemed Shino was no where to be found, in another class then. 

There was also a bunch of other kids, he didn't know them before, he wasn't going to bother to learn now, though he saw Sakura, he liked her, as friends. 

He found himself in his seat next to Sai, Ino slowly made her way to Sai before taking the seat next to him, leaving Sai in the middle. Choji took his seat next to Shikamaru, which was a row behind them. No one else really sat next to them, not even Sakura bothered. 

"Since when did you know these bozos?" Ino asked, she didn't even bother to whisper, which led to her getting a short scolding from Iruka about respecting others. Naruto stopped listening as he went on about the 'Golden Rule' Which was treat others how you want to be treated. 

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