Sacrifices are to be made for the perfect Mission.

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"So will this all work?" Shikaku asked his son as he was nose deep in a report. He had been hesitant to keep this whole thing a secret, especially about the barrier, they have so many hands-on deck, he feels... Wrong about not saying anything. Though, this is the most collaboration between clans that he's seen in a long time.

Shikamaru frowned, "As good as I hope for it to." Shikaku looked up and shrugged off the uncertainty, if all of this were real, he'd be as uncertain as his son. "I'm sure everything will be fine." Shikaku reassured as he looked back at the report.

"I have to ask; you know anything about this?" Shikaku said as he handed Shikamaru the paper. "We've been getting reports about anomalies popping up here and there." Shikaku said as he sat straight in his chair. Shikamaru was silent as he handed back the paper, "About suddenly flattened areas, grass suddenly dying? No, but I have a hunch." Shikamaru hummed, "Well, I know that it wasn't us, but it could have been because of us."

Shikaku sighed, "Elaborate Shikamaru." He nodded in response. "The whole seal that made us travel in time was huge, its completely possible it transferred some of the ground with it." Shikaku nodded, "Ok then, random debris and rocks are explained, what about the dead patches of grass?" Shikaku was hesitant as he saw Shikamaru pause.

He noticed Shikamaru's face flash concern.

"Well, I told you about the earth killing jutsu." Shikamaru said hesitantly. Shikaku frowned "You believe it may be that?" Shikamaru nodded. "Its possible, but I'm more uncertain than anything else."

Shikaku nodded, they did not even have name for the jutsu. "You said it slowed, right?" Shikamaru nodded. "Then I'm going to guess it will be fine. But I'll get it removed for analysis as soon as possible." Shikamaru sighed.

He'd be lying if he said he wasn't relieved. "Well then I'm guessing you know about this." Shikaku said amused. Shikamaru looked confused at the sudden change in tone, but as he took the paper it made sense.

"Ah, robberies." Shikamaru snickered. "I don't want to be a suspect; I've done no stealing." Shikaku didn't reply as he waited for Shikamaru to continue. "I may know who did though." His mind flashed to Naruto and Sasuke; they had literally talked about stealing when they were meeting up with one another.

Shikaku sighed, "Well, you need to talk to them, it going to kill me." Shikamaru rolled his eyes. "Yea, sure." It was silent for a couple of minutes. Both were glad the conversation was over, Shikamaru was a little concerned over the dead grass.

Its possible they just transported the grass with them, but if it's dead due to Kaguya's jutsu, then does it have the possibility of spreading? He sure fucking hopes not, but anything is possible with a literal god.

Shikamaru was starting to enjoy the peace and quiet, but it was soon interrupted by a door slamming open. It seems to have sparked concern with his father as he was already up and out of his chair. Shikamaru raised an eyebrow at his father as his face contorted into confusion. "Its... Sasuke." Shikaku said with a frown. Shikamaru stood up from his own chair as he looked to see. Sasuke was standing in the open doorway, he clearly ran all the way here, but something about him was panicked.

He had yet to introduce his father to his other time traveling comrades, but sooner is better rather than later he supposes. "Its Sai." Sasuke finally managed to huff out. Shikamaru paused for a second. "Sai?" Shikaku asked the question for him. Sasuke eyes Shikaku for a second before turning to Shikamaru.

"You know how the jutsu was unfinished, the time traveling one." Shikamaru nodded curiously. Sasuke stood up, "I think I just found out why it wasn't finished, or the consequences." Shikamaru's face turned grim. "So, what does that have to do with Sai?" Shikamaru finally asked. Shikaku looked between the two and couldn't find any hint of a joke, he himself was starting to become anxious. "He's here, our Sai." Shikamaru was silent before he looked at his father. "Well, I'm starting to have a few new theories on our dead patches of grass." Shikaku hummed.

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