To and from

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Is there a way to unpublished a story until you are finished with it?? I kinda feel bad for people coming to it while it's in its half rewritten state 😭.

Shikamaru woke up, feeling fine for the first time in years, no aching pains, bone fractures that didn't heal right... No constant headache from constantly having to think.

"I have to admit it, it's better being here than out there." It reminds him of what Orochimaru said before they came to the future.

Was he still alive? In that timeline? Or did everything erase when they left, or perhaps he died after expelling all his chakra into the seal? To many questions that are bound to never be answered.

Shikamaru sighed as he stuffed those question to the back of his head to never be acknowledged again. He doesn't like Orochimaru and never will, but he has to acknowledge his sacrifice.

He removed his covers slowly, sighing as he felt his father outside. Though he's happy that he can feel Ino as well, and her father, he thinks anyway.

He never really knew people from their chakra, it was more visual than sensual. But with the task he has now, it would be more benefit to learn.

He walked out to the hallway, he knows their outside, but one of these days someone is going to suppress their chakra.

"Ino?" He asked the air, but as soon as he talked he saw Ino peak her head through the front door. She smiled before frowning and looking back.

Shikamaru decided to put his shoes on and go outside, a frowning Ino was bound to be interesting.

"What's wrong?" Shikamaru asked Ino as soon as he walked outside. She huffed her short hair was tied carefully into a small braid. She figured Shikamaru wasn't particularly asking her, since she didn't respond. However Inos father, Inoichi Yamanaka, or in other words, a very important guy.

When it comes to the whole future thing, he doesn't think he would be very helpful. His job is to get information, usually over at T&I, but Shikamaru already has the information, he needs the know how.

There was a big... happening, that is going to involve a lot of clan heads." Shikaku shook his head, he would have rather said nothing to his son, because now he'll take any steps necessary to find out what he means.

"We have places to be, Ino take Shikamaru to your shop for today." Shikaku asked. Ino squealed, obviously left out at that tidbit of information.

Shikamaru sighed, knowing he doesn't have a choice. "I'm going to get ready I'll be out soon." His voice drawled as he turned away from Ino, all too bright eyes.

Something she would have loved to have even in death. Her eyes were basically sucked dry after the small event that was the infinite Tsukuyomi. He hopes she's still having the nice dream of afterlife.

He had been one of the few lucky ones Naruto was able to save after the whole ordeal.

He quickly grabbed his hair tie, grabbing a new shirt and a jacket in the process.

His arms are basically bare when it comes to any scars but he'd rather not take the chance, since there is one right on the top of his shoulder, it trails down to the back of his shoulder blade.

There goes any mesh shirts for a while.

"Sorry Ino, I would have been up earlier." Shikamaru said, apologizing. Ino raised an eyebrow as she began walking. "I don't mind..? Why are you apologizing, I'm shocked you didn't bother sleeping in longer."

Shikamaru only shrugged in response. "We should hang out somewhere if your mom says yes." Ino smiled, "Yea we can hangout with Choji." Ino skipped along before stopping at a puddle.

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