Mission given or not

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He didn't know where to start, should he pretend to be running from something at the village gates? Or perhaps wait outside the walls for someone to find him, perhaps it'd be smart to inflict some wounds onto himself. He did know he needed to be dirty.

He groaned, mostly out of frustration, he wished the folder that contained his mission wasn't so vague. He wanted to get this over with, mostly because the faster he found a way to treat his brother the faster they can leave ROOT behind.

He had already left ROOT behind in his original timeline, why did he have to do it all over again?

He shook his head, arguing with himself, trying to deem what was right and wrong, was a waste of time and a hinderance to the completion of the mission.

He decided on his first plan.

Sai forced gasps out of his mouth as he ran, an invisible force kept pushing him forward despite the growing anxiety that was making its way around his body. No time to think about how badly this could go, just get it done. He easily recalled never feeling this way on any of his missions when he was affiliated with ROOT, he easily blamed it on his emotions.

His arm swayed uselessly at his side as he hopped over a bush, he landed purposely wrong and twisted his ankle which forced him into a limp. The more hurt he was the better he supposed.

He held back a sigh of relief as he saw the village gate come into view, the man that was chasing him was his own ink, moving dependently on his own chakra. 2 guards, Anbu stood up to face the approaching child, the way their hands twitched let him know they were confused. It was better than hostility.

Sai gasped greedily for more air before he obnoxiously turned behind him, the ink man, which due to the dark just looked cloaked stopped as he passed the gates. The Anbu threw an assortment of weapons which went through the ink easily, Sai made a hand sign, and the ink man disappeared into the surrounding forest before melting into the ground.

The Anbu looked at each other before looking at Sai. He didn't have the ability to force tears down his face, but he hoped the distraught look he wore was more than enough. "Yo- You have to help me!" He yelled in a hushed tone; he sounded like he was choking on tears. The Anbu nodded slowly before their minds grasped the situation at hand.

"Of course, kid." One of them said, it was a girl. She looked at the other Anbu, and without exchanging words the Anbu went back to the post. The girl looked back at Sai and noticed his condition, "Lets get to a hospital first, ok?" Sai nodded; he took a few steps before the lady picked him up. That was awfully nice of her, usually Anbu are a tad colder to strangers, he quickly realized it was either because he was a kid with a limp, or it was because he'd go too slow for her preference, he had to admit he didn't want to take 30 minutes to get to the hospital either so he didn't really feel offended at the more plausible option.

Sai noticed the Anbu fix her owl mask before she started hopping from rooftop to rooftop, this was a strange situation, a situation he'd never want to find himself in. Was this how Shin felt? They were thrown into the same cell and that was how they met, and immediately Shin took him under his wing. Perhaps Shin had his own siblings before he came here, Sai didn't remember his past, he was too young to know, he hardly even remembered Shin his first year at ROOT.

Shin was different, while he was still young it was possible, he had a past before ROOT it wasn't uncommon, but those with no ties to the outside world are often more desirable, especially for spy work, which was what ROOT was. Since ROOT was disbanded a couple of years prior, they had to become a secret organization, and thus became a spy organization.

He was sedated almost as soon as he got there, he'd be able to look at the damage he had done to his arm and ankle when he woke up, he had actually just wanted to dislocate his shoulder, and while he succeeded in doing so, he thinks he might have done something to his elbow as well. The way his hand felt was strange and wasn't very comforting, the only goal was to not make any irreversible damage, and he does know he did do that, so he'll just take his win when he has it.

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