1| Giovanni Gonzalez

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The sun pierced through the window curtains once again alerting me of the gray room that wasnt my own

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The sun pierced through the window curtains once again alerting me of the gray room that wasnt my own. It's been two weeks since I have been held captive by some guy that everyone was afraid of. Truth be told I have only met him once, when he removed the bag over my head. I understand why they were afraid of him. There was just something about his dark eyes, the way he presented himself and spoke. He'd broken me into pieces.

The sound of footsteps became louder as I wiped the tears that fell from my eyes. When the footsteps stopped I quickly turned around giving the door my back pretending to sleep. "Get up, breakfast is ready and the boss is waiting for you." A voice echoed within the four walls. She sounded old and harsh, just like the man she worked for.

When this female specimen left, I quickly opened the bathroom door and the walk-in closet always seemed to leave a shocked expression on my face. At first I thought it wasn't all for me but its quite obvious now. I brushed my teeth and hair, washed my face then put on a white tank top and jeans pants.

This was a colossal mansion with body guards at every door. I didn't have any clue where the dining room was although I've been here long enough to know. It was useless getting to know this place when Im determined to get out. With a man living in this gargantuan place all by himself, you'd think of just one dining room but no. There were many and I knew the reason not. I followed the savoring smell of pancakes, bacon and eggs until I reached my destination, my eyes scanning the room.

"You're late." I spotted a muscular guy sitting at the end of the table.

"Maybe if this damn mansion only had one dining room, I wouldnt have been long." I hissed with my hands on my hips and rolled my eyes. He placed his fork gently and pushed his chair with force, making me jolt. His eyes were gray but they turned black and cold. He walked towards me, his jaw clenched.

"No one fucking speaks to me that way!" He hissed at me, making goosebumps find its way on my skin. Who the fuck did this man think he was?

"I will speak to anyone how I like, especially a man like you." I stared him dead in the eye. Yanking his arm out his pocket, I felt his hard hand across my face.

"Dont speak back when I speak to you. Take your fucking seat." He said, his muscular chest heaving up and down.

"Y-yes sir." I stuttered as I made my way to one of the empty seats by the table, following his order. My cheek stung, I tried not to show him how weak I am. I wanted to cry as loud as I could but I wouldn't. The only sound heard during breakfast was that of forks and knives hitting the surface of plates. I wanted to leave, I wanted out of here.

What made this breakfast even weirder was the fact that he stared at me. What does he seem to be looking at, I thought to myself. He just slapped me and didnt apologize, now he wants to stare. I felt naked before him. I hate to say this but the way he stared at me heated my body up. I felt aroused. I shouldn't be feeling this way after what he did to me but I couldn't prevent it. He's so sexy. Why is he doing this to me? Whatever it is, I didnt like it and it needs to stop.


I climbed in the tub filled with bubbles and felt my muscles relax as the water was warm. I touched my cheek and the thoughts quickly spread through my mind. Why did he kidnap me? Well it wasn't directly him but two muscular men dressed in black. Do they work for him? Obviously, they did. Hes not a man to interfere with. Men like him could take away everything from you but what exactly made him special? For the time I've been here I didnt know his name. Everyone addressed him as boss and it bothered me not to ask him his name.

I really did miss my brother. The only person who truly loved me after our parents died in a tragic vehicular accident. I still remember this day clearly. My parents were rushing us back home from school because they had to attend this meeting with the CEO, so they told us. The CEO of what? I can't tell.

Piero and I sat in the back singing the songs that played over the radio. We loved singing as it brightened up our day. Then a screeching sound was heard and the sound of my father calling out to us. All I'd remembered was waking up on a hospital bed feeling sore, tubes in my body and my leg, in a cast. My brother laid next to me breaking my heart in pieces. We were told that mom and dad didn't make it but I didnt want to believe it. It took me years getting over this pain. Tears fell down my face only to realize that I was actually sobbing my eyes out.

I dipped my head under water and held my breath until my head became light. No matter how much I tried to get myself out of the situation I had put myself into, my body wouldnt allow me to lift myself up. It felt like an anchor pulling me deeper into the ocean. All I heard was disappearing sounds of knocks on the door.

I was about to enter a world of darkness when muscular arms snaked around me lifting me up bridal style. I swallowed all the air I could find with an unsteady breathing. "Are you fucking crazy?!" This voice that I recognized yelled at me. He sounds hot when angry. Why would I think like that, I almost died and earlier he slapped the shit out of me. At this point I cared not as I remembered that I was here not by choice but by force. All I wanted right now was to have died.

"I didnt ask to be here. I want to leave!" I yelled back in between cries which got him angrier. I didnt care that he did. He could hit me a thousand times and I wouldn't feel anything.

"Listen to me amore I own you and you do as I say." He said in between closed teeth.

"I hate you and I will never be yours!" I spitted out, but I only did so so he could leave. I didn't mean the part where I said I hate him, I never grew up saying that because mom would punish me but I sure meant I'll never be his. His fingers curled into a fist turning his knuckles white but he restrained himself. "What, you going to fucking hit me again? Go right ahead." I yelled. He clenched his jaw. I've been naked this whole time and it only hit me now. I pulled the covers and quickly wrapped it around my cold body. He placed his hands in his pants and walked out the door, slamming it which I thought would have broken.

Who is this guy?

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