"You're just scared of me! Admit it! Nobody could love me!" The older on yelled but Jisung shook his head quickly, even though it stung his head.

"Love you..."

"You don't. You can't, what the fuck is there to love?!"

"M-minho, hurt" he spoke softly and the older one let go of his hair, breathing heavily.

"That's all I'm good at doing isn't it...?"

Jisung pulled Minho back on the bed, his hands trembling slightly.

"Think it's time...I tell you about...him" Jisung held his breath while Minho simply nodded.

"We we're both engineers in the war, building bombs and we quickly liked each other, soon we hide in secret from others and kissed all night long...we did not get much sleep, but we did not care"

"How was he?"

"Kind, nice to everyone and very soft eyes"

"So my complete opposite..." Minho sighed heavily.

"One day he told me he was sick, very sick, he would die soon...b-but he did not get the chance to say goodbye..." Jisung let a tear fall down his eyes and Minho stared at the floor, holding back his own tears.

"Jisung...I would give my own life for you to be with him right now...someone who takes care of you the right way a-and deserves to live"

"Hyung...don't say that...what is done is done"

"I've killed so many over the years, from little boys who barely knew how to hold a gun to very old men who've seen the whole world. Yet not once did I regret killing them, not once did I feel empathy or guilt...but when I saw you over that boy's body...crying and not even caring that you would die...I've never felt worst in my entire life" he admitted, cupping Jisung's face with one hand.

"You two are very different...but I love you because of you. Not because you scare me..."

"If we met outside of this war, if it had never happened and we would have met at a normal bar, in normal circumstances...what would of happen?"

"I would of fallen for you the second I lay my eyes on you..." Jisung smiled and Minho just started to cry, pulling him into a kiss and placing him on his lap. It felt right to be kissing him even though they were far from right for this.

Jisung then took his face and nuzzled their noses together, making Minhos heart completely weak.

"Could you tell me...how you met your person?" He asked nervously, he knew how much Minho hated talking about it, but he figured he'd give it a try.

"I think you deserve an explanation..." Minho took a deep breath in and laid down on the bed, putting Jisung on his chest.

"I was enlisted into the army really quickly without any training, soon I went to camp to get trained and ended up being really close to someone...his name was Oliver. We'd dance all night and I never felt more alive at that time, he just made me feel so happy...but I knew it couldn't last" Minho held Jisung closer to him.

"We we're both sent to the front soon enough and it was all going perfectly fine, only a few would die everyday but I had him right by my side the whole time...but one day we had to go into a field to grab a few things...we didn't know it was one filled with bombs under the ground..."

Jisung's chest felt really heavy all of a sudden.

"It was going well until I turned around to see Oliver frozen in place...he called my name and I already knew I was going to lose him then and there. I tried for hours to get him out, to dig around it or try and make him live...but I fucking couldn't. He kept telling me to step back, but I wouldn't let him die. He kept yelling at me, but I didn't listen, so he pulled me really close and kissed me...tears covering our faces...and I knew this was his way of saying goodbye" Minho spoke and he could feel a lump of sorrow in his voice, digging down his throat.

"We handed the kiss and I stepped back, not once leaving his eyes. When I was far enough he lifted his foot and the bomb went off...I fell on my knees and cried for hours that day, I only got up when the sun rose again...and never told anyone..."

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry" the younger one had his arms wrapped tightly around his neck, crying into him.

"Don't apologize, you did nothing wrong"

"W-What if I made those bombs...? I-I-" Minho simply kissed him again.

"Then I guess we'd be even...in a really fucked up way..."

Chan then barged into the room, breathing heavily, they both jumped at the sudden noise and waited for him to speak.

"It's over..." chan muttered, looking at both of them.


"The war...it's finally over."

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