Painting The8

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"Now, class whose painting do you think is better?" The teacher asks the class

"The left one" is heard from my classmates

"I have to agree. The right one, just needs more... what's the word" the teacher says, searching for her answer

"More emotion." The voice from the talented boy is heard

"Yes, thank you Minghao." The teacher says happily

"Well that looks like the end of class. Y/N please see me after class." The teacher cuts her smile short once she mentions my name

"Ugh" I mentally face palm myself. I know why she wants to see me, she wants to give me a speech about how my art could be better. She does this every time we review our art works.

Everyone expect Minghao gets up from their chair and exits the classroom.

The teacher puts the painting she just had in her right hand my painting on my desk and says  "Y/N, you know what I'm going to say, don't you?"

"Yes" I nod while avoiding her gaze

"And if you know, why don't you do better?" She questions while crossing her arms on her stomach

I turn my attention to her "Maybe because I'm not good at art." I shrug

"Everyone is cable of making good art." Minghao says

Minghao is praised for his amazing art skills by students and teacher, basically by everyone.

I however, am belittled for my art.
I never agreed into being in advanced art.
My current teacher made that decision after she saw my first year art work.

"Minghao maybe you could talk some sense into her. I have to leave early, lock up the classroom whenever you're done." The teacher sighs while grabbing her purse

Minghao hums and continues painting.

The teacher walks out of the classroom without another word.

I sit at my desk, deciding if I should leave or not.

"You can leave." Minghao says like he read my mind

"Aren't you going to give me some advice?" I ask

"There's no use in giving you advice. It won't get through your thick skill." Minghao says but he doesn't look up from his painting

I laugh a short laugh then shake my head at his comment.

Minghao could be nice and helpful at times but other times he could be cold and rude.

And right now, he was being cold and rude.

I get up from my seat, grab my backpack and painting then walk towards the door.

I drop my painting into the trash can before I exit the class.

"How is she just going to humiliate me in front of the whole class. Everyone now knows that that bad painting was mine. Well then again, it was noticeable that it was mine. No one in that class is as bad at art than me." I groan at the thought as I walk out to the bus stop

-Next Day-

"Now everyone work diligently, the competition is tomorrow." My teacher says to the class

She then walks over to me and questions "Where's your painting?"

"I threw it away." I simply say

"And you think you'll have enough time to make a new painting?" She asks

"I'll pull it off" I reply

She just sighs then walks back to her desk.

I go over to the counter to get paint for my new painting. And as I'm turning away from the counter with my two small paint jugs, one of my classmates pushes another classmate into me.

Seventeen imagines Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon