We'll Meet Again (All Members)

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"So my parents decided it's best for me to go to a school in New Zealand. So I'll be leaving in two weeks." Olivia says as her best friends stand and sit around her as she sits at her school desk.

Olivia looks up from her desk and meets the sad eyes of her best friends who's she's known since elementary school.

"You're lying right?" Hoshi, one of her best friends says in disbelief.

"I wish I was." Olivia says quietly

"Is there anyway you can stay? We can try to convince you're parents to let you stay." Seungkwan says

"Yeah Seungkwan is right! We'll go after school to go convince them." Dino confidently says

Olivia shakes her head "They've made up their mind and I highly doubt they'll change it."

"What's so special about New Zealand anyways? I don't think New Zealand has an amazing promising school system." Jeonghan shoots with anger in his voice.

Seungcheol quickly cuts off Jeonghan before Jeonghan says something out of pocket. "Listen I understand why we're all upset but look on the bright side-"

"What bright side? There is no bright side." Mingyu quickly cuts Seungcheol off.

Seungcheol sighs in defeat because he knows there's no bright side.

"I'm sorry guys. I wish I could stay but my parents are done with me failing my tests and not turning in homework." Olivia sighs

"This is just middle school, it's not that serious though." Dk says to which the boys agree

"Yeah but next year we'll be in high school and that's when the real competition starts. They want to prepare me now so I can be ready for the high school competition for college."

-2 Weeks Later-

All thirteen of Olivias best friends stand before her.
She stands with her luggage to her side not wanting to enter the car that will take her to the airport.

"We're going to miss you Liv." Minghao breaks the silence and hugs Olivia tight

Olivia breathes in Minghao's scent for the last time. A scent she will miss forever because she always liked the way Minghao smelled.

"Don't forget about us." Jun joins the hug

"We'll wait for you to come back." Wonwoo joins

Olivia wasn't sure when she'll be returning back to South Korea and she didn't tell the boys that she didn't know. She just said she would be back before high school ended so in 4 years.

"Watch her come back with a New Zealand accent." Joshua jokes to which everyone laughs.

"Bring me back a gift." Woozi adds as him and Josh join the group hug

Vernon is the last one to join the hug. He didn't want to show his emotions getting the best of him.

In the end Olivia was left in tears watching as she parted way from her best friends.

"We'll meet again." She whispers to herself as she watches her best friends faded away as her car drives away.

-1 Week Later-

"How's everyone?" Olivia asks through the phone as she lays on her bed

"Horrible." "Bad" is heard from the phone from her best friends on the other side of the line

"Yeah same here." Olivia says

"How's New Zealand treating you?" Jun questions

"Bad, it sucks here. I haven't made any friends and I'm given a bunch of home work and plus they're really strict here." Olivia rambles on

"See if only you turned in your assignments and passed your tests then you wouldn't be there." Hoshi jokes

"Shut up Hoshi." Olivia shoots "gosh this feels like a prison." Olivia sighs

"You'll be back home soon, don't worry." Joshua tries to cheer Olivia up

"You'll be home before high school graduation right?" Dino questions

Olivia's heart breaks once she hears Dinos innocent voice asks her that question.

"Yeah I'll be home before then." Olivia fake smiles even though she knows the boys can't see her.

-1 Year Later-

Every other day all the best friends have a group call and today is one of those days.

"It's the end of freshman year. Just three more years before you come back!" Woozi excitedly screams into the phone which causes Olivia has to pull the phone away from her ear.

"Those three years will pass by in no time. This year passed by quick." Olivia smiles as she fiddles with her pencil

"Did we call you at a bad time?" Vernon asks

"No I was just finishing up some home work." Olivia says as she closes her work book

"Have you failed any tests so far?" Seungkwan asks

"Ummm just two." I nervously laugh

"It's just two in the whole school year so you'll be fine." Minghao says

"Yeah then hopefully I'll be back home soon." I say

Olivia and the guys talk all night long before she has to go to school the next day.

Part 2 coming up next!!!

This story was written for @coffeebed

Hope you like it!!

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