Try Again Pt.1

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Me and my boyfriend walk hand in hand to the lunch room.

We take a seat at our usual table along with our friends.

"Hey guys." we all say to each other

"Oh Y/n and Jun, me and the other members of twice are having a party tonight, y'all should come." One of our friends, Nayeon says

"Sorry I can't tonight, I have a project due tomorrow." I say honestly

"Boo you're lame." Momo another friend of ours says

I laugh and shake my head at Momos response.

"Jun, you in?" Sana asks my boyfriend Jun

He thinks for a moment but then responds "Naw, I'm good."

"Come on Jun, we all haven't hung out in a long time." Wonwoo says

"Yeah, you should go Jun." I add on

"Come on." The others push

"Fine fine." Jun replies

"We'll throw another party whenever Y/n is free from assignments." Sana smiles brightly

Everyone laughs at Sanas response because I'm basically always drowning in assignments and they know that.


I'm sitting in my room, working on my assignment until my phone buzzes.

I look at my phone screen and see that Jun texted me.

Jun <3
Are you sure you can't come out tonight?

I pick up my phone which is laying next to me on my desk.

Sorry, not tonight. I still have so much to finish :(

Jun <3
:( Do you want to hang out tomorrow once you've submitted your assignment?

Yeah totally :)
I have to go now, have fun. Love you <3

Thanks babe, love you too <3

I put my phone down and continue my work.

-Next Morning-

I get to school early and go up to the roof top to finish the last details on my assignment.

Once I'm done, I walk downstairs to the main lobby of the school.

I see Nayeon, Sana and Mom talking at their lockers.

"Hey guys" I say happily as I approach them

"Hey Y/n." They happily reply back

"How was the party last night?" I ask

"It was so cool! People were jumping off the roof to dive into the pool below. It was crazy." Momo replies

Nayeon then added "yeah that was crazy. And then the cops got called and everyone had to run and jump fences."

"Wow, how nice." I joke at that Nayeons part

Just then everyone's phone started ringing with notifications.

Me and the three girls make confused faces at each other because it was EVERYONES phone who rang with notifications.

We each took out our phone and looked at the notification.

Someone had airdropped a video, a video which broke my heart.

The video was of a random girl talking to Jun then randomly she pulls him in and kisses him.

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