Do You Still Love Her? Pt.1

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I lay on the couch on my phone while my two best friends talk as they sit next to each other on the other couch.

"Do you remember when we went on a picnic at the beach?" Ari my best friend asks my other best friend Minghao

"Of course I remember that was the day I asked you out." Minghao exclaims

That conversation grabs my attention so I put my phone down and look at them.

They're both smiling so brightly at each other.

"It seems like you two seem to really like each other, why did y'all break up anyways?" I ask which causes them to look at me

"We didn't want our relationship to get in the way of our friendship plus we were just in middle school." Ari says reminding me of our middle school days when Ari and Minghao used to date

"Would you two consider getting back together?" I ask while dragging the question

Minghao smirks at me "Is someone jealous?"

I make a disapproving face and answer "No."

Minghao and Ari laugh at my expression to which I just pout.

"Don't worry, I only love you now." Minghao says as he gets up from the couch.

Minghao walks over to me and practically throws himself on my laying body.

I groan due to his weight "Minghao."

Ari laughs at the scene in front of her.

Ari then looks down at her watch before continuing "I should get going, I don't want to be tired for our special day tomorrow." Ari says as she gets up from the couch

I look down at my watch and see it's already 10:54am "Oh yeah, tomorrows the first day of college year."I say as I ruffle Minghaos hair

"Mhm, I should get going too." Minghao says as he pulls away from my embrace and gets up to which I sit up and get up from the couch too.

"I'll walk you home Ari." Minghao says as he walks towards Ari who is near the exit

"You don't have to." Ari says as she waves her hands "I can walk home by myself."

"Too bad, there's no point in arguing. Now let's go." Minghao says to Ari as he puts his arm around her neck which drags her down

"Ahh Minghao." Ari laughs as she tries to escape his hold

"Bye babe see you tomorrow." Minghao says as he opens the front door and walks out with Ari still struggling

"Bye Valery!" Ari yells still in the hold

"Bye." I softly smile and watch them as they walk down the street.

-Next Day-
I wake up brightly and early to get ready and eat before heading to school.

(Outfit of the day^)

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(Outfit of the day^)

Ari, Minghao, and I agreed to meet at the train station so that's where I'm heading now.

After a minutes of walking I finally arrive to the station. I make my way to our train stop where I see I see Ari and Minghao already there at the stop. They're both laughing at something Minghao just said.

I walk up to them and greet them with a cheerful smile. "Good morning"

"Morning V." Ari smiles

"Morning babe." Minghao smiles

"What were y'all laughing about?" I ask since I'm curious

"Oh Hao just told me that my vest looks exactly like the one I had in middle school." Ari says as she points to her pink vest

"Oh yeah, it does look like it." I agree

"I didn't notice it until Minghao pointed it out."  Ari says to which I agree with again

-At School-

"Did you eat breakfast?" Minghao asks Ari as we walk onto campus

"No, I woke up too late to eat breakfast." Ari shyly smiles

"Wanna go to the cafeteria to get something to eat?" Minghao asks

"Yeah, cause I'm starving." Ari says as she rubs her stomach which causes Minghao to laugh

"Wanna come with us?" Minghao asks me once he stops laughing

"No, I'm good. I'm going to try to find my first period." I reply

"Ok well I'll see you later." Minghao smiles

"I'll see you in first period." Ari says as she waves me off

"Ok bye." I say before walking off

I spend a good 10 minutes looking for my class before finding it.

I walk in and see the professor setting up.

"Good morning." We both greet each other

I take my seat in the back of the classroom and get my laptop out of my tote bag.

"What's your name?" The professor asks out of no where

"L/n Valery." I reply

To which the professor nods "what's your favorite subject?"

"English." I reply honestly

"Are you just saying that because this is English class?" The professor asks

"No I actually like English. I like writing and reading on my free time." I reply to which the professor once again just nods but doesn't continue the conversation anymore since a student just came in

After 10 minutes the bell rings yet there's no sign of Ari so I text her.

Ari, where are you? Class just started

Me and Hao lost track of time and we're currently lost trying to find the class

*Sends location*
I just send you my location so just use the directions to find the class

Thanks you're a life saver!!

I put my phone down that's when the professor starts class.

After 5 minutes Ari walks through the doorway.

Ari quietly and quickly walks in so she doesn't interrupts the professor.

"And you are?" The professor asks stopping Ari

Ari stops in her tracks and slowly turns to face the professor "L/n Ari."

"Well L/n Ari, you're late, good way to make an expression." The professor coldly says

Ari doesn't say anything to his remark instead she just hurries to her seat next to me.

Pt 2 coming up

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