Unknown Love pt.1

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I lay in my bed in the complete darkness, listening to calming slow music.

All of a sudden a ding from my phone is heard from the speaker that is playing music.

I grab my phone, unlock it and see that an unknown number texted me.

Hey, I'm from your English class and I thought you were really cool so wanna get to know each other?

As I read the text my eyebrows furrow since I didn't give my number to anyone lately.

But since they said we're in the same class I decide there is no harm in texting back.

How did you get my number and who are you?

Minghao gave me your number and as for you knowing who I am doesn't matter ;)

You could be a creep for all I know

I can assure you I'm not

At least give me a clue on who you are

Well to keep the game more interesting I won't tell you too much but I'm tall and have dark brown hair

That description basically describes all the boys in English class

Like I said, it keeps the game more interesting

Game? Am I some of game to you?

No, it's just I want you to fall for me without you knowing how I look like

Fall for you? I'm not interested in liking anyone let alone a relationship

Why not? Did someone break your heart?

I read that text, laugh then simply turn off my phone.

"I'll find out who this boy is" I think to myself as I get ready for bed

-Next Day in English Class-

I walk into class and look at my classmates as I make my way to my desk.

The unknown person should be looking at me but to my surprise no one was looking at me, everyone was minding their own business.

Playing hard to catch now, huh.

I take my seat next to my desk mate and best friend, Minghao.

"Minghao, did you give anyone my number?" I quickly ask as soon as I sit down

"Well good morning to you too" Minghao says as he puts his book down

"Good morning, now did you give anyone my numbers?" I ask again

"No, why?" Minghao says truthfully

I sigh in annoyance then reply "An unknown number texted me last night and when I asked who gave him my number, he said you gave it to him."

Minghao perses his lips and thinks for a moment "I've never given your number to anyone, I swear. This person is probably lying."

I simply nod because I believe him. I then tell Minghao everything and show him the messages between the unknown number and I.

"Just don't text back." Minghao simply says

"Yeah, I know." I nod then put my phone away since the teacher walked in

Half way through the lesson my phone buzzed. I knew it was the unknown person so I took my phone out of my pocket and opened the text

I saw you trying to find me whenever you walked into class this morning, how cute :)

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