Player Pt.2

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As soon as I close the door to the student council room I see the girl from yesterday.

She leans against the window ledge which is in front of the SC room.

She looks at me then quickly goes into the SC room.

"Jeonghannie are you ready for our date?" She says loudly before shutting the door

I shake my head at her way of telling me her and Jeonghan are 'together'.

-Next Day-

I'm in the library looking for a random book.

I stand in the romance section looking for a book.

I didn't find one for my liking so I just get my favorite usual book.

As I'm looking down at the book I suddenly feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist which startles me.

I quickly pull myself out of the persons embrace and turn around to see who it was.

Jeonghan stands there with a smirk.
"You long for love too much that you rely on romance books?" Jeonghan says with a laugh

"Shut up." I say as I put the book down.

He laughs and leans me against the bookshelf.

He leans in and kisses me.

"Jeonghan, stop we're in school." I say in the kiss

"So." He replies and continues

"We're gonna get caught." I say as I pull away

"Don't you like some excitement?" He smirks and leans against the bookshelf behind him

"Excitement in getting caught? No thanks." I shake my head

"Plus don't you have a girlfriend?" I ask even though I know they're not official

"She's not my girlfriend." He says with a 'duh' expression written all over his face.

"Really, because after I came out of the student council room, she asked if you were ready for you guys date." I reply

"We were just hanging out."

"Mhm." I nod

"What? Do you care that we went on a date?" He smiles and comes close to me

"Like I said before, I don't care who you date or whatever you do." I reply honestly

"Huh really so you wouldn't be jealous that me and her go on another date after school today then?"

"Nope." I simply reply

"Alright then." He says before leaning in to kiss me again

His lays one hand on my lower back while he traces small circles on my bare thigh.

We stand there kissing for a moment before I pull away.

"I'm waiting for my friend, she should be here any minute now." I say as I pull away from the kiss

He nods "Wanna meet during 8th period?"

"No, thanks." I say before walking off

As I'm walking to me and Aris usual table I see her just arriving to it.

"Hey Y/n" She greets me as she takes her seat

"Hey Ari." I say as I sit down too

"You're reading Blue Spring Ride (Name of the manga) again?" She asks

I laugh and nod my head "Yeah, it's just so good. The plot is so amazing." I say as I make it a big deal

We laugh then turn our attention to our own thing.

"Hey Ally, do you wanna go on a date after school today?" I hear Jeonghan ask

I look in the direction where his voice is coming from and see him and the student council girl there.

They stand just a few feet ahead of my table. Just enough for me to hear their whole conversation.

He's facing my direction while the girls back is facing my direction.

"Yeah, of course." The girl named Ally replies

"Great, wanna come over to my house?" He asks her

"Yeah, maybe we can watch a scary movie." She says enthusiastically

Jeonghan looks at me and we make eye contact, and when we do he smirks with victory.

I roll my eyes because I know he only did that to get to me.

I turn my attention back to my book and start reading.

-During 8th Period-

I'm sitting at my desk listening to my teacher speak about our upcoming project until she's interrupted by a knock on the door.

The student sitting near the door gets up from his chair and opens the door.

In walks the student council president.
He walks up to the teacher confidently and speaks to her.

"Hello Mrs. Lee can you please excuse Y/n? I have student council business with her." He brightly smiles

"Yes of course Mr.Yoon." She smiles back brightly which is rare

I roll my eyes at him once he meets my eyes.

"Y/n you're excused." She says to me simply

I nod and get my things and walk up to him.

"Good day Mrs.Lee." He says

"Good day Mr.Yoon." She replies happily

He walks out of the classroom to which I follow behind him.

"Why did you pull me out of class?" I ask as I close the classroom door behind me

He turns around and smiles "Because I wanted to see you."

"Wow you're abusing your student council position just to see me." I ask with a disapproving face

"Well when you put it like that it sounds wrong." Jeonghan slightly pouts

"Because it is." I say with a duh expression written all over my face "plus you don't even know me."

He stays quiet for a second before answering
"Let me get to know you." He says confidently

I roll my eyes at his confidence
"Fine" I reply, I only agreed because I didn't want to be in that class

Jeonghan smiles brightly then grabs my hand and leads me to the roof top.

We take a seat on the floor on the roof top whenever we arrive.

"So?" I ask awkwardly since we're sitting down facing each other

"So do you like anyone?" Jeonghan asks right off the bat

"No." I shake my head

"Have you ever had a boyfriend?"


"So I was your first kiss?"


"Mhm." Jeonghan smiles with victory

"Cocky aren't you?" I ask

"I mean I wouldn't call that cocky." Jeonghan replies with a smirk

Part Three Coming Up

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