My First First Love Pt.2

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-Present Time/ At The Cafe-

I'm doing schoolwork until a voice calls out to me.

"Hey, can we talk?" A familiar voice asks

I look up from my laptop and see Joshua standing there awkwardly.

"Talk about what?" I simply ask

Joshua takes a seat in front of me.

"I'm sorry for canceling on you. I love Tzuyu but I also love you." He quickly realizes what he said "I love you as a friend. This argument just showed that I was valuing my relationship over our friendship. So I'm sorry, I'll promise to hang out with you more." Joshua says honestly

"Took awhile for you to realize that but I'm sorry too." I sigh

"Best friends?" Joshua holds out his hand

I nod and smile lightly "yeah" while shaking his hand

"I'm glad y'all made up." A voice is heard

I look up to the voice and see Tzuyu which causes me to quickly pull my hand away from Joshua.

"Oh Tzuyu hi." I say with a hint of disappointment in my voice to which only Joshua notices

"Hi Y/n, I'm sorry for coming in between you and Shuas friendship." Tzuyu says nicely and honestly

Although Tzuyu said that honestly and so nicely, it still upset me.

Once again Joshua noticed.

"It's all good now." I say with a forced smile
"I have to go now, bye." I say as I get up from my seat

"Where are you going?" Joshua asks as he follows my action of getting up

"Home." I simply reply as I put my laptop in my bag

"Wait, I'll go with you." Joshua says quickly

"I just want to be alone. I have to study." I say before walking away towards the door

"But you don't like to be alone." Joshua says as he follows behind me

I don't reply and walk out the door.

Joshua follows behind me.

"Y/n I know how you feel about Tzuyu. I don't want to lose her and especially not you." Joshua says as he continues to follow me

I stop in my tracks and turn around. I'm about to say something to Joshua but I'm cut off by another familiar voice that is heard behind Joshua.

"Leave her alone Joshua, go back to your girlfriend." Mingyu says as he walks towards us

Mingyu had seen me walk out upset with Joshua following behind.

"Stay out of this Mingyu, this is between me and y/n." Joshua quickly says

"You hurt the girl I love so of course it's going to involve me too." Mingyu protests as he grabs a hold of my hand

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