Player Pt.3

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I nod at his response and say nothing.

It's a little awkward since he was asking me all these questions.

"You're turn to ask me questions." He says excitedly

"Um..." I think for a second "Do you like anyone?"

"Maybe." He winks to which makes me look away but then I turn my attention back to him

"Have you ever had a girlfriend?"

"Nope." He shakes his head

"You're lying." I say with furrowed eyes brows due to his answer

"No I'm not, I swear." He laughs

"You're tell me all these girls like you and you've never dated any of them?" I ask with such surprise

"Nope, never. I don't know, maybe because they force their liking on me, you know. Like I just want something natural." Jeonghan says honestly

"Yeah, I get it." I nod then question "but you've kissed many girls right?" I ask slowly since I thought that was maybe a private subject

He stays silent for a second but continues
"I would say a normal amount." He simply replies

"How many?"

Jeonghan laughs at my sudden interest.
"Umm maybe 15?"

"15?"I blurt out due to surprise

"That's not that many." Jeonghan laughs once again at my surprise

"Huh and you've never dated any of them?" I ask once again

"Correct, I just have a little fun with them." Jeonghan replies

"You use them then throw them away, how cruel." I simply state

"I like my freedom and independence, is that so wrong?"

"I mean using them just for sexual reasons is wrong. Plus they'll be expecting a relationship in return but in the end you leave them for another girl. That's just wrong."

Jeonghan chuckles with dissatisfaction
"I knew you wouldn't understand." He shakes his head with disappointment

"That's exactly what you're doing with me. I can see through your bullshit." I say as I quickly stand up

"You're a jerk." I say with anger then quickly walk to the exit of the rooftop.

Jeonghan however says nothing as I walk out.

As I make it to the main floor the bell rings.

Students crowd out into the hallway, trying to go home.

I make my way to Ari's classroom which is just a few doors away.

As I'm walking to her class I see Ally standing at the entrance of it.

As I approach the class I lock eyes with her.
She watches me as I come closer.

I get to the classroom and stand next to her to see if Ari is still there.

There Ari stands with the teacher talking.
I wait at the entrance to not interrupt the conversation.
I look inside the classroom to avoid Ally's death stare.

"Hey babe are you ready?" I hear Jeonghans voice behind me

"Hannie! Yeah I'm ready." Ally smiles brightly
as Jeonghan comes up to her

"I missed you." Ally says before pulling him in for a kiss.

They stand there kissing for 20 seconds before Jeonghan pulls away.

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