Chapter 2: Contact and Deals

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Principality of Qua-Toyne, emergency government meeting

Prime Minister Kanata is now under a lot of pressure. Yesterday, he had heard reports of an unidentified object invading Qua-Toynian airspace. He had came out just in time to see the metal dragonfly do one circle over the city and flew back from the direction it came from.

The speed of the metal dragonfly was far too fast for the dragons to give chase. Even the fireballs shot at it completely missed despite their tracking capability.

The origin of said craft is unknown. Some eyewitnesses claimed that it had a blue circle with a white five-pointed star in it as an emblem. Problem is, no known power in the world uses that emblem.

"Well, what do you think of this incident? How do we interpret it?"

The intelligence representative raises his hand.

"According to our intelligence, Mu has developed mechanical aircraft slightly similar to the design of that which flew over our capital today. The Mu aircraft could achieve similar speeds to that of the metal dragonfly, however the metal dragonfly seems much larger. But...nevermind"

"But what?"

"There are also reports of unknown aircraft flying over Mu today. The specs of said aircraft are unknown, but it seems to surpass that of the Mu aircraft. Intel on that aircraft and its origin is too sparse for us to jump to conclusions. Regardless, these two incidents are separated by half the planet, so it couldn't possibly be linked."

The council then returned to the fact that they don't have enough data to conclude anything. Amid high tensions with Louria, this was an extra headache. If the object was from a hostile power, they would have to deal with so much more enemies; however, if they were friendly, they might have destroyed any chances of getting a new ally by firing on it.

It was at this moment that a young official burst into the meeting. Normally something like this would be unthinkable, but due to how out of breath the official looked, it must be urgent.

"What's wrong"

"Reporting in! Just now a fisherman reported that a large metal ship has been spotted off the coast of Qua-Toyne!" the official exclaimed loudly.

Fear set in, many in the council believed that whoever sent the weird aircraft earlier today is here for war as they opened fire on it. However, PM Kanata was not 100% convinced that was the case.

"If it were a warship here for war, wouldn't it have sailed to Myhark and blew it to Kingdom come?"

The council calmed down a little. However, they couldn't just sit here and do nothing.

"Send out the fleet. Do not engage the enemy ship and carry an envoy to talk to those people if possible," PM Kanata ordered.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Off the coast of Qua-Toyne

Admiral Fisker was not pleased. He had just been ordered to sail towards a large metal ship but without the permission to open fire. If the rumors were to be believed, the people who owned the ship could also manufacture large metal dragonflies that could outrun Qua-Toyne's wyverns. Such a nation is a large threat to Qua-Toyne and now he is being asked to sail towards it without permission to even open fire.

If the ship is made of iron as they said, firing on them with Ballistae wouldn't make a difference you idiot.

The voice in the back of his head was right, there was no fighting it, if the ship was really made of iron. Perhaps if they do not fire upon it, they would be spared if they surrender. Or perhaps if they're lucky, they might look down upon us so much that they wouldn't even want to fight with us.

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