Package Deal (Please Take Us Home) by INeverHadMyInternetPhase (BirbWatcher)

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Package Deal (Please Take Us Home)

INeverHadMyInternetPhase (BirbWatcher)

Main pairing - Yoonmin

Side pairings - Taekook, Namjin

Rating - General Audiences

Status - Complete

Word count - 21 388


"Omega Jimin's childcare falls through last minute so he has to bring his baby daughter to work with him, even though a busy cafe is hardly ideal.
He doesn't expect one of the cafe's regulars - a stoic alpha - to spend his entire shift making funny faces and playing with her to keep her entertained."


*Cute, short fic. There are a couple of follow- on stories but I just read this one.

Archive of Our Own (AO3) - BTS ficsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ