*First Love by Superbly_Annoyed

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First Love


Main pairing - Yoonmin

Side pairings - Namjin

Rating - Mature

Status - Complete

Word count - 161 765


"Yoongi was too busy dealing with his work and his life in Seoul to even think about other stuff and that was how he liked it. It helped to be busy at all times to avoid thinking about useless stuff that belonged to the past.

So, when he got a letter from Daegu with a white wedding card asking him to attend his sister's wedding, he had felt winded, confused... lost.

Was he really going back home?"


* I'm updating a bit earlier that I thought I would and that's because I just finished reading this story and I needed to vent. Every now and then I come across a fanfic that makes me think "Wow. People who think that all fanfiction is dumb and cringy really don't know what amazing and moving stories they're missing out on." This was one of them.

This story is angst, angst and more angst! But it's angst with a happy ending. I genuinely cried while reading this. There's something about reading stories about young love where the writer includes all these recurring details (in this story it was sunflowers and Yiruma's River Flows in You) that will remind you about the story even years later. When It Rains In Ocala (on Wattpad) is one of these stories for me. I will never be able to listen to Hey Jude without thinking about that story and how much it moved me and it's been at least 6 years since I read that.

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