To Sleep, Perchance to Dream by AwkwardBeansidhe

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To Sleep, Perchance to Dream


Main pairing - Taehyung/Original Female Character

Status - Complete


""Hyung, have you ever dreamt you were in someone else's body?" Taehyung asked, eyes tracing patterns into the ceiling of the car.

"You mean dreamed I was someone else? Yeah, sure," Seokjin answered. His eyes were closed, head resting against the window, and he patted at Taehyung's knee absently.
"No, I mean actually dreamt that you were in someone else's body. Not that you were them, but that you were seeing through their eyes, but couldn't control where you looked or anything."

"Um... no? Not really. Can't say that I have.""


* I think this one's been removed :( I can't find it anymore

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