*Daydream, Daydream by Kumatokkii

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Daydream, Daydream


Main pairing - Hopekook

Side pairings - Taegi, Jin/Jimin/Namjoon

Rating - Explicit

Status - 18/?


""I think I'm about to die," Jungkook managed to gasp, feeling like he could finally breathe, hands coming to his chest to stop his heart from beating it's way out of his ribs. "I just met Jung Hoseok. And he growled at me."

Jimin squeezed Jungkook's face so hard in shock, Jungkook letting out a weak wail.

"You met THE Jung Hoseok?? Jungkook, are you serious??"


The fic where Omega Jungkook wins a charity auction date with his beloved idol, Alpha Jung Hoseok, and doesn't know how to function."


* This is the only fic I've read with Hopekook as the main pairing and I love it. This fic is so different to others that I've read and I am so addicted to it. Everyone who has read this is addicted to it. Seriously. Between updates, we're like drug addicts waiting for our next fix. I highly recommend this story!

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