*A dance of poppies by springrain21

483 3 1

A dance of poppies


Main pairing - Yoonmin

Rating - Mature

Status - Complete

Word count - 32 692


"When Jimin's family is killed, Yoongi's pack takes him in, and they fall in love over the years."


* I kept seeing this fic pop up whenever I was searching for more stuff to read on AO3 and it took me ages to start reading it because for some reason I thought there was a big age gap (apparently it took me a while to read the tags properly and realise it wasn't lol). This fic is so precious! We basically see Yoongi and Jimin meet, become close, grow up, and fall in love over time and I can't stress enough how soft I am for this fic. I highly recommend this!

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